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  1. coach723

    Chickens in shock.

    Accidents happen, don't beat yourself up. Chickens can get themselves into some predicaments sometimes, all we can do is try to prevent it from happening again. It's not always easy to see things from the chickens perspective, so stuff happens. It sounds like they will be OK, so try not to...
  2. coach723

    Chickens in shock.

    Sounds like mostly shock then. They can be affected and afraid for awhile when something traumatic happens, after a hawk attack my flock was really reluctant to leave the coop for several days, and were flighty and nervous for a while. Just keep an eye on them just in case, but time will...
  3. coach723

    Chickens in shock.

    Did you witness the attack? If not then it's possible that they were injured. They could have been squeezed/crushed or shaken, and could be very sore, and possibly have internal injuries that are not obvious. And shock is an issue. I would crate them for a bit so you can observe them, make...
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