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  1. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    Thanks for sending over the screenshot, that is definitely not something we want to see appearing on BYC! We have a system wide block in place for any ads that have inappropriate content, but they're sometimes mislabeled and slip through our filters. We're working with our ad partners now to try...
  2. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    Hmm... I'm not seeing it in mobile or in desktop. Anybody else see it on this page: Yeah, we HATE those and are always working hard to find/destroy them. It's a constant battle because they sneak through the ad-network filters. When you get one, please take a screenshot and post it here...
  3. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    I'll take a closer look from a few different devices. For clarification, what's the URL of the page you are looking at, and what type of device are you using?
  4. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    BTW, I just learned something VERY interesting! Advertisers want their ads to be seen (duh), and so the "viewability ratio" is an important metric when advertisers are bidding on a site's ad-placements. Well, here's the interesting bit: An ad is considered "viewable" when at least 50% of it is...
  5. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    Unless you are a Premium Feather Membership (PFM) , you'll see ads sprinkled throughout the site. With the changes in how people use the site has changed, we've needed to adjust the ways we show ads.
  6. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    We got it fixed quick :) It's the "sticky footer" ad that you see if you log out. For a short moment it was showing to members, even though we turn it off when you login.
  7. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    FYI: I just noticed a footer ad showing for members (that should only be showing for guests). I'm looking into why it started showing up and get it removed for logged-in members. :)
  8. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    Sometimes the advertisers don't code the ads properly and the images don't click through. It's frustrating when it's something you'd like to check out! Ah, yeah... the ads usually auto-rotate every 30 seconds. Sorry it slipped away, I've had that happen too :(
  9. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    Thanks for the feedback. We've been analyzing some of the most popular media, information, news, etc. sites on the web, and are paying close attention to the number and locations of ads in both the desktop and mobile versions of the sites. We've found that BYC has as many, if not fewer paid...
  10. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    Ok all... in our attempts to make everything "better" we've done the following: We've been tweaking settings and we also removed one of the top banner ads (in desktop). We'll also be adding back the "Sponsor Tiles" at the bottom of each page. These will be chicken specific advertisers that...
  11. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    Thanks for the feedback. We definitely want to find the balance as you mentioned and absolutely value our member's contributions and engagement with the site. Regarding "click on an x an awful lot": Can you please clarify what you mean by this? First off, there shouldn't be any ads that are...
  12. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    Hey all! With the support of our Premium Feather Membership (PFM) , and with the Advertising Updates, we're going to be making sure we do our best to improve as many of the things that y'all are requesting and voting on here...
  13. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    Was it the sidebar ad over the alerts popup? If so, it might take a few hours to be fully deployed / updated. You could also try leaving BYC, clearing your cache, and trying again. If it's not the same issue (alerts), we need a screenshot of the problem, browser, and which page you were on...
  14. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    The alerts / overlay issue should be fixed! If you notice anything like that (or other problems) please reply with as much detail as possible, including screenshot, page you saw the issue, and your browser / version.
  15. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    To clarify, we've been able to duplicate the issue, and are working to a fix. Basically when an ad is on-screen and the alert's popup is displayed, it is under the ad instead of over the ad. This is only happening on non-phone screens / devices, right?
  16. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    Great job getting a screenshot, we'll dig into that! That should NOT be happening! Which browser / version is that? Is your problem similar to the one above or different? If different, please screenshot. Either way, please also share your browser and version.
  17. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    Hmm... maybe there was some confusion about what you were posting last time? We have lots of screenshots posted in this thread without problem. So, if you see the ads covering threads, post a screenshot with the link of the page where you saw the ad, and we'll look into it.
  18. Nifty-Chicken

    Announcement Advertising Updates - Premium Feather Membership - PFM

    One thing I'm REALLY hoping for is that we won't see any (or at least not as many) situations where those AMAZON GIFT CARD popup / takeover ads slip through the cracks. No online advertising system is perfect, but I have high-hopes we'll see fewer of them. That said, if you see any ads...
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