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  1. rebrascora

    Unexpected death! Help!!

    Hi. Thanks for updating us with the result of the necropsy. I'm so sorry it is Marek's. I have had it in my flock for over 3 years now so I am very familiar with the virus. It is unusual for it to make it's first appearance in an older hen. Have you had no suspicious deaths or lameness etc...
  2. rebrascora

    Unexpected death! Help!!

    Good to hear that diet isn't the issue. Unfortunately some people feed their flock too much scratch or corn or feed ad lib organic whole grain feeds thinking they are giving their birds the best and suddenly lose a bird to Fatty Liver rupture, when they have appeared perfectly healthy up until...
  3. rebrascora

    Unexpected death! Help!!

    If this bird dies from Fatty Liver Haemorrhagic syndrome and it is as a result of a dietary imbalance then having a necropsy could help the OP to change their flock's diet and perhaps prevent another death. If they are pets or valuable breeding stock, it is worth the effort. If they are...
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