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  1. A

    Bobcat attack

    Thank you. She is in a better place now.
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    Bobcat attack

    Thanks, I feel the same way. I'm bawling my eyes out though. She was so special. But I couldn't let her suffer. And I know I would have done the best I could, but was it in her best interest? I don't think so. Lots of tears...
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    Bobcat attack

    Thank you. It's been a trying day. Crying my eyes out
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    Bobcat attack

    :hit:hitShe has gone on over the rainbow bridge. It was for the best. I miss her tremendous. Ive got to cry and mourn now. Thank you all. You are an amazing group. We will be forever grateful:hit:hit
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    Bobcat attack

    Honest truth here...I work a lot. Most days I'm gone 12-13 hours. Its back to work tomorrow. Ive been with her 3 days now...checking every hour or 2 on her. Warm baths 2xday, spraying everytime I can think of...syringing electrolytes and vitamins....she seems ok and she's trying really hard...
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    Bobcat attack

    I can call around...feed stores and TSC.
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    Bobcat attack

    I have corrid...used for coccidia early on. Mix same strength?
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    Bobcat attack

    I've added rooster booster vitamins, electrolytes and probiotics...need vet for atbs, right?
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    Bobcat attack

    Its definitely the vent. Looks like it's been turned inside out. I just posted a new pic. Thank you!!!
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    Bobcat attack

    Thank you. I do as well:highfive:
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    Bobcat attack

    This is my sweet CB
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    Bobcat attack

    Here is the pic from after the warm bath. There are 3 blobs in this pic. The one on the bottom was feces..i cut that off. The one on the top is the injured vent. The one in the middle is flesh. I am not sure what it is so I dodnt cut it off. When I dried between the top and middle...
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    Bobcat attack

    I am going to soak her again this am and take a look. I will take some pics and post them for advise. I don't want her to suffer...she is trying her best though. She heard the others calling and it perks her up. The closest vet open today is about 2 hours from me.
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    Bobcat attack

    She made it through the night. Drinking on her own. Trying to eat some scratch and yogurt and scrambled eggs. Gave her a warm water soak. It seems the poo is just kinda oozing out of her. My poor little birb! She tries to stand but the injured leg is too painful.
  15. A

    Bobcat attack

    I lost my buff Orpington....tracked the cat through the woods for half a mile before I found her. I pray she didnt suffer. The 2 that survived unscathed are nervous and calling for the other girls... Scrambled eggs and yogurt coming up!
  16. A

    Bobcat attack

    How often? Daily? Multiple times a day? She's very sweet and gentle.. I thank you very much for your guidance
  17. A

    Bobcat attack

    What ratio of H2O to epsom?
  18. A

    Bobcat attack

    Please. Help. My bird was attacked in the butt by a bobcat. Injuries on leg as well. She's a year old with cross beak so eating is difficult. Taking fluid by syringe. I'm spraying vetericyn plus 3 x day. What else can I do.
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