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  1. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    Well I've just got back from the vet. It's a bit of a mixed bag really. Turns out that she has had a broken leg. Wether she had it before the mud ball or if the mud ball caused it is unsure. But her leg has healed but not quite straight, the lump at the top of her leg that @aart pointed out...
  2. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    I have 5 ex batts. I did have 6 but sadly I lost one last year. But yes, they can be difficult to integrate. It took me the best part of 6 months to get mine all together. I could have probably done it quicker but I enjoyed the relative peace! They are the sweetest hens ever and are forever...
  3. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    Yeah, I'll miss her but I know she wants to go back out. She always stays by the fence near the rest of the girls. But that will be my next problem, integration! She's half the size of my next smallest hen and some of my hens can be a little bit mean when they want to. I'm thinking about getting...
  4. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    Thankyou. I seriously thought she was going to lose her leg or her foot at the very least. The smell at first was quite something! I keep thinking that maybe she had a foot problem before and that led to the mud all getting stuck to her. I wish I took a photo before I removed it, it was huge...
  5. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    Just a quick update on speckle. The splint seems to have been more effective on her outside toe than the middle one. It is still curled up. She is still not walking on that leg but she can balance on it. I have also found a vet that is not too far away that can see chickens so I have booked her...
  6. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    I've been trying a little bit of chicken physio! She can get about pretty quickly when she wants! I'm not convinced she will regain full movement but if she can regain enough to have her foot flat on the ground I'm sure she will alot happier.
  7. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    She is hopping mostly and occasionally she will put that leg down for balance. She seems to be struggling to move her leg forward for a normal movement.
  8. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    I managed to splint her toes. She wasn't happy about it but hopefully it will help her straighten them out. I had to be careful because of her feathers coming through. They are really stiff and they won't go flat on the floor. I'm still giving her metacam for the swelling. I'll leave the splint...
  9. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    That's what I thought. I'll try to splint it tonight when I get home. I think I'll try a ice lolly stick and some vet wrap. :fl it will work!
  10. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    I was thinking of just wrapping the toe kind of like you do for curled toes on chicks. It straightens out mostly but I can feel her pulling it back closed. She has been scratching around in the garden but she is using the top of her foot. Even if she can't walk properly on her leg if her toes...
  11. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    She has plenty of feathers coming through!
  12. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    She's doing fine! Even better than that....she layed an egg today!! :wee I'm not sure when she last layed but this came as a really nice surprise! She spent all weekend in the garden but comes in at night. She's hopping around my living room at the moment terrorising the kids and looking for...
  13. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    I've trimmed her claw a little more now and it looks like a normalish length now. I've started giving her some metacam to try and reduce the swelling a bit more. She's been very active this evening hopping around my living room! She does seem to be trying to move her leg forward more than I've...
  14. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    I've been giving her some 'chicken physio'. She can stretch her leg backwards just not forwards and she foes put it down to balance on. I may do more stretches with her. I want yo put her with the rest of my hens but she wouldn't stand a chance as she is. She's only half the size!
  15. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    Do you think there is any chance she will walk on her leg near normal? I've been hoping she would have made a little more progress by now. I've been letting her out in the garden next to my other hens but she's not really making much effort to walk on it.
  16. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    Thanks for the link. I didn't realise that the bloodline backs up after it's trimmed, so I may trim a little more tomorrow.
  17. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    Her toes are still really swollen. But better than when I first cleaned her up. It looks like her little toe is shrunken and solid. I trimmed it a little but I was worried to take too much off incase I hit a blood vessel. Should I trim it some more and just use blood stop if it bleeds?
  18. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    The skin is looking really good. She has new feathers coming through on her leg and foot now. Her claws are still curled up but she can grip me a little bit and she can resist/pull away a little with her lower leg. But she just still won't walk on it. There is a lump on the front of her hock...
  19. CCUK

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    Yes. When I hold her I can pull her leg forward and straighten it. It does seem painful for her though. I keep thinking that maybe it could be dislocated? It does seem to feel the same as her other leg.
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