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  1. PouleChick

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    Good luck, look forward to hearing how it goes.
  2. PouleChick

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    i'm so pleased! Really not sure about the foot - not had to deal with anything like that (yet). Hopefully someone else will be along soon that can help on that one!
  3. PouleChick

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    How is she going @CCUK ?
  4. PouleChick

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    It may just be the angle but the whole foot and toes look incredibly swollen and puffy.
  5. PouleChick

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    Oh the poor little love. It looks incredably sore - could it just be she is avoiding weight on it in order not to make it hurt more? How is that very raw / exposed skin looking? And the area that is black? I agree Chlorhex' is a great option and good you are keeping it moist while healing.
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