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  1. Wyorp Rock

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    Thanks for the update! Look forward to hearing about what you find out:)
  2. Wyorp Rock

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    It was nice of you to share!!:) Let us know how it goes.
  3. Wyorp Rock

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    Try it and see! You never know it may work. Oh...let's think for a minute. They do make bird booties too! Someone else had a hen with toes that curled under, the bootie helped her walk. One is for chickens, the other is for ducks. If you are crafty, you may be able to fashion one yourself...
  4. Wyorp Rock

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    She does have plenty of feathers coming through! You could try splinting it, but...with new feather grow coming in, that may be tricky, plus it might be painful(?) She is still really swollen, so I'm thinking if you did wrap it, you would want to unwrap every few days to may sure she's not...
  5. Wyorp Rock

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    Can you post an updated photo of the foot?
  6. Wyorp Rock

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    :fl I'm hoping she continues to improve!
  7. Wyorp Rock

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    She is very cute! If you have room, can you section off a portion of your run or even add a small run so she can be outside near the others? I have found it really seems to help them if they can at least be near other chickens for a little while each day.
  8. Wyorp Rock

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    I honestly don't know. Chickens can heal remarkably well. Only time will tell. Have you tried placing her in a sling? That may take some weight off the good leg and allow her to stretch out the other one. Some people also give "therapy" by gently massaging the legs every day and...
  9. Wyorp Rock

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    It does. I have one hen that I have to work on now and again. This reminds me, she probably needs a trim now. She doesn't scratch in the hard dirt like some of the others do, a lot of my run is fairly soft dirt and doesn't wear the nails down too well. Long nails can also make it...
  10. Wyorp Rock

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    I would just continue to work on them a little at a time every few days while you are tending to her. It's never a bad idea to have blood stop or cornstarch on hand if you happen to cut too deep.
  11. Wyorp Rock

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    Glad to hear she is improving:) You may want to start working on trimming up the long toenails too. That may help a little as well.
  12. Wyorp Rock

    Necrotic tissue on leg

    You have recieved good advice from casportpony and eggcessive. I don't have any other input at this time, but will follow along. I'm interested to see how this turns out. It will be wonderful if you can continue with updates and photos as you treat her.
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