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  1. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    Her foot is looking a lot better... I'm still not 100% sure if the infection is completely gone, but it looks 90% better
  2. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    I am back to soaking in Tricide Neo. Although her foot looks a lot better than it did, it is still a lil hard inside and there is that tell tale black scab. So I am hoping if I soak now, it will kill the rest of the infection off.
  3. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    That's what I thought! Thank you! Here's to hoping all the infection is out!
  4. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    Here it is, 2 days after I got the infection out. My question is, it still feels a tad bit hard / swollen, but nothing like it was.... How do I know if I got it all out or if that is just the healthy tissue healing? Will the obvious bumblefoot black scab come back?
  5. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    I couldnt believe how much was in there! I sure hope it heals now.
  6. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    UPDATE!!! Day 21... I brought my girl in to soak in her Tricide Neo treatment, and as I looked at her foot, I decided to see if the scab would come off...and it did! Easily! Once I removed it, I could see the infection, so I started squeezing... and it came out!!!! I am hoping I got it all...
  7. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    Have you tried to remove the scab and see if you can squeeze the infection out?
  8. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    Oh no, poor baby! Do you have photos?
  9. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    It is working... it is a slow process though. I soak her feet 2x a day for 7 min. Put neosporin on gauze and wrap. She is molting, so surgery just isnt an option bc I think between the molt and surgery, it would kill her. I have ordered my 2nd batch, but just went with the 22 grams again.
  10. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    That is why I feel so bad having to soak her 2x a day. I know she had to have been in pain from molting. That is why I wanted to try the tricide neo over surgery. I think surgery would have pushed her over the edge.
  11. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    Yeah she was a moody Judy for a bit... but she seems to be not as irritated now that her feathers are coming in good.
  12. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    poor girl... lol... She is working on turning into a beautiful swan lol
  13. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    Day 18 The larger photo is today the smaller photo was from when I started. You can just see, well at least I can, that the redness and swelling is a little less.
  14. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    I am hoping that her molt will be done in maybe the next month. Her blood feathers are really coming in.
  15. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    Thank you! It is a very slow process, so as long as one has the time and patience, it isnt a bad way to go with treating bumblefoot. The poor girl is also in her first hard molt and I definitely dont want to try surgery when she is already stressed from that.
  16. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    I do have a photo, but it doesnt look like there's any changes. The changes can definitely be felt tho!
  17. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    We are on day 13. I wanted to report that the kernel in her foot that was as hard as a marble is beginning to soften up! We are making progress.... slowly but surely! I've ordered more Tricide Neo bc I only have a week's worth left. This stuff does work! You just have to be patient.
  18. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    After 5 days I am beginning to see the tiniest of change. It is still swollen and hard but it isnt as red as it was. So this gives me hope that as long as I keep on treating, it will clear up. Left pic is from today. Right pic was from 10 days ago when I first was asking about Tricide Neo.
  19. MotherOfChickens

    Tricide Neo

    Definitely! I think I will go on ahead and buy the larger package of it in like a week or 2. That way, I have it on hand... plus I'm prepared for this to take MUCH longer than the 20 day supply I will get out of the 22 grams. I only mixed 1/4 of the Tricide Neo to 1 liter of distilled water.
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