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  1. T

    American Gamefowl

    Right through his nose?? Lol
  2. T

    American Gamefowl

    I haven't seen any round these parts I did place a can of cat food along with some bait in the box trap the day before yesterday with no luck. Literally came back to a carcass right in front of the entrance of the trap the following day. F*ck it if I have to sleep outside everyday until I catch...
  3. T

    American Gamefowl

    No snakes Coons Or rats For sure Coon traps haven't caught nothing. Rats don't mess with the birds as I heard the rats at night but they definitely weren't messing with the chicks. And snakes don't leave half eaten carcasses
  4. T

    American Gamefowl

    Nope No tracks No unusual feathers No fur I honestly wasn't expecting a clean shot at the bastard, just wanted to identify. It for sure
  5. T

    American Gamefowl

    Well just my f*cking luck I slept outside, shotgun ready, hoping to hear some ruckus throughout the night for my unfriendly chick killer to roll through and nothing. Now I'm off to work, but with my luck that bastard will come in and take another chick while I'm out.
  6. T

    American Gamefowl

    Shhh.....I'm hunting very quiet
  7. T

    American Gamefowl

    Free puppies?? Where?!
  8. T

    American Gamefowl

    More pictures to come I only wormed and loused like half of the stags yesterday
  9. T

    American Gamefowl

    Oh yeah I forgot you yanks up north are too sissy for goats
  10. T

    American Gamefowl

    Well can your son teach a goat to stand on his hind legs??
  11. T

    American Gamefowl

    Finally spending time with your grandkids huh
  12. T

    American Gamefowl

    Oh boy indeed old timer
  13. T

    American Gamefowl

    Right here buddy what do you need?? Lmao
  14. T

    American Gamefowl

    I heard this thread needed some actual American Games
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