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  1. Henriettamom919

    Trying fermenting feed

    You'll get the consistency down after awhile. I initially added way more water than necessary because I was so paranoid about the top being exposed to the air for even five minutes. It now gets thicker with every batch I do. My girls love it, regardless but they do have to wipe their beaks a...
  2. Henriettamom919

    Trying fermenting feed

    I'm not sure about fermenting medicated feed! Let's tag the experts! @DobieLover @FoodFreedomNow
  3. Henriettamom919

    Trying fermenting feed

    My girls LOVE it and really do seem to have health benefits compared to strictly dry feed. I do cover mine because our humidity is quite high and as I recently discovered its fairly obvious when/if it goes "off" and I've only ever had one batch go bad. Everything went bad though, our bread in...
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