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  1. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    So yesterday I caught a coon.He was so much more entertaining and gave us quite the show.Him and my dog practically cussed each other out through the cage.I did release him as coons have been no threat, ever .I think i have figured out the foxes path and we’ll be waking up early to try and...
  2. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    Isn’t it?
  3. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    Current update-All we got this morning is a possum... Not upset, atleast I caught SOMETHING. My dog patiently waiting for me to release it.
  4. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    Absolutely ugly!
  5. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    Everything you’d said here is very true.Our fox uses it same hunting patterns and paths and I only lose birds in the heat of the day.
  6. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    Sardines.I know they love fish,so
  7. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    How often through the day should I check the traps?
  8. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    I agree however when you have tried scaring it off, scent marking everything and it still won’t leave, death it the only option. I planned on killing it and leaving the body in the woods as a deterrent.Heard if other foxes smell dead ones they leave the area to avoid it being them.
  9. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    So, woke up this morning to find nothing.Thats ok for now. I’m almost for sure it went and checked out he trap because my dog tracked down a scent headed right towards the trap.
  10. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    I have lost and have had injured birds over this thing.I have pretty much been accustomed to free ranging only supervised and bought birds that could MAYBE outrun or be too heavy to wrangle for the fox, use to keep multiple breeds like bantams now I’m too afraid to. Fence will be a future option...
  11. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    I didn’t plan on releasing the animal on anyone’s property, but thanks for the info
  12. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    Were dispatching it, I will not get in trouble over this
  13. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    I didn’t even think of this!We have skunks here but I don’t think we have many in the area, but who am I to say that
  14. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    It’s been replaced to the other section.
  15. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    I guess I’ll just copy this threads original post and paste into the thread over in the predators place!
  16. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    Goodness, I didn’t mean to do that!I em at to place it in the predators forum :he
  17. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    Wow, I just found a dead armadillo in my field, their everywhere here. However I could careless about an armissillio I just want this fox!
  18. Roo5

    Trapping thread

    Thread for the people who trap predators. Didn’t think one was on here so I made this one so people can show what they have caught and give ideas. It’ll be my first time trapping.I have a red fox in the area that I desperately need to get rid of and I’m hoping I’ll trap it.I know how uncommon it...
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