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  1. CatWhisperer

    Flea Control in Yard

    Dawn does not kill fleas, you are only drowning them. Dawn is soap, not a chemical that kills fleas. And I do recommend using a conditioner. Wildlife get bathed in Dawn because it cuts oil and it certainly isn’t used weekly. I am only trying to help you with my 30+ years experience as a...
  2. CatWhisperer

    Flea Control in Yard

    Weekly bathing I Dawn is pretty harsh on skin, you should at least be following with conditioner. Drowning the fleas in a bath once a week does nothing to control the breeding flea population. Fleas from the environment can jump right back on your dog. A spot-on flea killer is the best way...
  3. CatWhisperer

    Flea Control in Yard

    Google yard spray for fleas with IGR
  4. CatWhisperer

    Flea Control in Yard

    Sorry no. Ask your veterinarian
  5. CatWhisperer

    Flea Control in Yard

    Use Advantage or Frontline on you dog. Treat every 3 weeks instead of 4 since you have an infestation. Mow grass short. Fleas will not be living/reproducing out in the sun. Fleas will be breeding in shady moist areas where your dog rests. Test with a product that has an insect growth...
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