Flea Control in Yard

Dawn does not kill fleas, you are only drowning them. Dawn is soap, not a chemical that kills fleas. And I do recommend using a conditioner. Wildlife get bathed in Dawn because it cuts oil and it certainly isn’t used weekly. I am only trying to help you with my 30+ years experience as a veterinarian. If you refuse to believe the opinion of an expert that is certainly your right. Just trying to help people here.
Dawn does not kill fleas, you are only drowning them. Dawn is soap, not a chemical that kills fleas. And I do recommend using a conditioner. Wildlife get bathed in Dawn because it cuts oil and it certainly isn’t used weekly. I am only trying to help you with my 30+ years experience as a veterinarian. If you refuse to believe the opinion of an expert that is certainly your right. Just trying to help people here.

Your right im sorry. A quick goggle showed me what looks like a reliable source that says the same thing. Still it helps w the fleas though. There are no flea infestations on my three dogs in southern LA where they thrive in our hot summers and anually blow up.
Though it requires maintenance, I'd stick with DE, refresh it, and use a vet-prescibed flea control. This summer has been especially bad for me and mine. The fleas are winning.

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