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  1. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Personally, I'm not convinced until I either hear him crow ... or she drops an egg in my hand! :D
  2. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    The prefab coop kits sold at feed and big-box stores are NOT predator proof ... or even predator resistant. They are best used either indoors or in an enclosed run, like a dog kennel with electric around it or a top over it.
  3. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Do you have a garage or shed you could put them in at night? All you'd need is a dog kennel. They don't eat or drink at night, anyway, so they'd be fine overnight. In the meantime, if you post some pics of your set-up, we can probably make some safety recommendations. Many are simple, relatively...
  4. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    It may have been a rough hatch ... but they sure are pretty babeez!
  5. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    The baby is freakin' aDORable, Duke's "plates" are really impressive, the third photo should be entered in the caption contest ... I'd call it "This End Up!" and the youngster in the fourth photo wants to know what in the world you're doing. What neat pictures!
  6. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    So Sad! Did they get inside or try to pull the whole bird through the wire? If that's their MO, then adding 1/2 " hardware is pretty much the only way I've had any success thwarting the persistent buggers. They can't get their nasty little "hands" through it!
  7. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I think I'm in love! What's their personality like?
  8. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Brahma Bantam? I've never seen one "in person" - only in illustrations. Please post pics as it grows!
  9. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Sounds like my place - a little bit of everything,, minus the Mexican Eagle! I live very close (as the vulture flies) to a good-sized dam and a lot of forested preservation land, so we get a lot of birds of prey - and those blasted black vultures! I haven't had too many issues with snakes, but...
  10. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Ouch! We have bald eagles, here. They don't generally bother my chickens (I think it's too closed in here for them) but I still don't let my little dog out without my moose-dog in attendance, as well. No use taking chances! There's a coop article that loosely describes a flexible, portable run...
  11. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I'm SO glad you caught wind of your potential lunch guest before the appetizers were served. And you're right to figure that your yard is now marked. I had a pullet taken by a red-tail six years ago - 15 feet from where I was standing. We've had visitors eyeing the lunch buffet ever since, so...
  12. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    If and when you get babies from that bunch ... be sure to post pics as they grow. They'll likely be very pretty birds! Personally, I'd like to see what a barnie/silkie cross rooster would look like - I'll bet those would be gorgeous! (But, no thank you, I do NOT need another rooster to test...
  13. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Many keepers recommend giving them a hog pan of cold water to stand in when things get over-hot, so I can't imagine a spot wash would hurt them. I use Corid (amprolium) for coccidiosis, and that's inexpensive enough around here that I can lace the dip-water with it - cause I know they'll drink...
  14. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    It works. I have seven Nankin chicks from this year's first clutch. They were hatching eggs I ordered, hoping for a couple of nice cockerels to freshen up my line. I got one ... but JUST one. Any other time, I'd be over-the-moon with so many pullets - but I really like the direction my girls are...
  15. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Waymaninit! I DO still have a Silkie - a half-Silkie, anyway! My Boo - hatched on Halloween, of course, is a five-toed, fuzzy-footed cross. Her Mama is Siri, my BJG. Papa was Herman the House Rooster - a blue splash Silkie who yes, for the first two years of his life DID actually live in the...
  16. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Picture this written in very small text or whispered behind a closed hand so my kids don't see or hear: Guilty as charged! Gem, my bantam cochin, had been trying to go broody all Spring, so I finally gave in and ordered hatching eggs from another show line - to freshen up my bloodline (that's...
  17. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I feel your pain. As soon as Chick Days start around here, my kids threaten to take my keys. I am not, under any circumstances, allowed anywhere near TSC - or any other feed store - unattended until all of the bins are empty! ... {{ ... sigh ... }} ... EDIT to Add: No Silkies at the moment...
  18. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    JOB OPENING - MARYLAND - LAP CHICKEN Do you, or someone you know, have a sweet-natured black Silkie lady looking to spend the rest of her life living in the lap of luxury? Due to the recent demise of Herman the House Rooster (RIP sweet Herman,) The Melancholy Rooster (@MROO) has an immediate...
  19. MROO

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    :old Here's a piece of absolutely true trivia for ya, folks! Most people don't realize that the "Silkie Soup" listed on most Chinese restaurant menus was NOT originally named for its' texture ... Oh - and for the record, I don't hate Silkies ... they're just not my favorites. I do enjoy...
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