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  1. MadamContrary

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    You make a very good point! I'm going to contact the breeders I got the eggs and see if I can get photos of the parents combs. I had even thought of that.
  2. MadamContrary

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    *Insert squealing* I really, really hope so!!!
  3. MadamContrary

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    That would be amazing 💕 And honestly well deserved at this point lol! We've had so many boys this year! They're such good little birds, and teeny tiny things, I expected them to be a bit bigger. I would love to be able to keep them all!
  4. MadamContrary

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Lol! They really are hard to sex aren't they? I may have to break down and do DNA testing if they don't crow or lay something soon!
  5. MadamContrary

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I need to get better shots of the other two, they are the most skittish and didn't want to cooperate today. I'll try again tomorrow. However this is a close up of the one I assumed was a cockerel as well because of the wattles, also 6 months old. It's the one in the back. It has a super flat comb.
  6. MadamContrary

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    This is the one we assume is a cockerel, he's from a different bloodline than the black ones, he's also 6 months old. He's the white one in the previous post group shots. His crest is getting pretty spikey, but in all directions. But no hard feathers in the tail, it's very round, my daughter...
  7. MadamContrary

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Black bird in the front of group shots is the possible pullet, 6 months old.
  8. MadamContrary

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Excellent! I will recruit a second pair of hands tomorrow.
  9. MadamContrary

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    So, I have been trying to get a pair of pullets all year, I hatched eggs several times, and even picked up a few from tractor supply ALL BOYS. Re-homed them as gender became apparent. Now I have 4 6 month olds, I know one is a cockerel for sure and suspect another, one hen I think based of...
  10. MadamContrary

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I'm tapping back and "squawking" when they get me good lol. So far they don't care. I kind of think one thinks my fingers are giant worms. I'm expanding the run they're in so I can get in there and spend one on one time without them being able to run off to the other side of the yard. Hopefully...
  11. MadamContrary

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    I was looking into the DNA testing, pretty reasonable prices too! If they were snuggling up to me and being nice I'd have them tested so I wouldn't get attached to a cockerel I can't keep, but as is they're just "lawn candy" and want nothing to do with me unless I have grubs lol. I can only hope...
  12. MadamContrary

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Thank you, I hope so too! Now for the wait to see what sex they end up being 😂
  13. MadamContrary

    Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

    Okay, so I have a question. I had been wanting Silkies forever, this was the year I finally got 3. They are the most aloof, skittish, and they peck like crazy. Did I just get bad breeding or do they take awhile to warm up to you? I've had them since 3 days old and they're 9 weeks now, and I...
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