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  1. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Muscovy claw question

    Yikes! I hope your finger wasn‘t hurt too badly, and that you are on the mend now! :eek:
  2. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Muscovy claw question

    And now I can really empathize with her as I just smashed my finger between two logs when stocking up for the wood stove. Darn thing is black and blue and I most certainly will lose the nail :he
  3. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Muscovy claw question

    Good idea, thank you! Thankfully, the bleeding had stopped by the time I did my morning duck duties. However, I searched everywhere this evening to find where she got her claw caught, and found splattered blood everywhere with no obvious starting place (besides that it was somewhere on the stall...
  4. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Muscovy claw question

    I know this is an old thread, but my white Muscovy didn’t again! And again, it is one of her outermost nails. It looked like a crime scene this am, and it didn’t help that she spread the blood all over her chest. It’s no longer bleeding and I have to go to work. My husband will keep an eye on...
  5. Daphne_loves_mealworms

    Muscovy claw question

    My white Muscovy hen completely ripped off one of her nails (and yes it was one of her outermost nails) at some point this spring. I didn’t see it happen and never found blood. She did not seemed bothered, although I’m sure it hurt badly, and her nail is slowly growing back. I guess that’s the...
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