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  1. SilkieLover7

    please help in any way

    You should try every 10 to 15 minutes if you can.
  2. SilkieLover7

    please help in any way

    Don't forget to shake the ACV!!!
  3. SilkieLover7

    please help in any way

    See if putting the ACV near her beak makes her drink, if not, then use a dropper, and try to put it on the sides of her mouth. If you don't feel comfortable giving her straight ACV, then mix a tablespoon with 1 gallon of water.
  4. SilkieLover7

    please help in any way

    For every gallon, you mix in 1 tablespoon of ACV
  5. SilkieLover7

    please help in any way

    Take a tablespoon of ACV and mix it with 1 gallon of water for the rest of your flock if you only have chickens. For her, give her just the ACV
  6. SilkieLover7

    please help in any way

    Don't try to force feed.
  7. SilkieLover7

    please help in any way

    Also, sometimes, if you feed them eggs, they can perk right up. They should be cooked, but you can also try uncooked.
  8. SilkieLover7

    please help in any way

    Ok, do you have Apple Cider Vinegar?
  9. SilkieLover7

    please help in any way

    Do you know when she got sick? Are any other chickens sick? What are there living conditions like? How ventilated is there coop? (If you can post pics of the coop, that would help a lot)
  10. SilkieLover7

    please help in any way

    My chicken was turning 3 in a couple months, but I honestly don't know how to reduce pain. Does it look like she is uncomfortable? If you can, take her inside, and just keep her on your lap, and try to see if you can get her to drink Apple Cider Vinegar if you have any.
  11. SilkieLover7

    please help in any way

    About a month ago, I had the same thing happen too a couple of my chickens. One or two of them died, and the rest survived, and I haven't had any problems with colds and diseases since. How old is the bird?
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