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  1. ChickenTenderKesha

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Congratulations on the POW!! Such a cute photo of them all hanging out with a beautiful background 💕
  2. ChickenTenderKesha

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Oh I definitely have to try and find some at some point!! I want some good broodies for my flock to hatch out my future generations :love
  3. ChickenTenderKesha

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Congrats on the POW!! The three of them are too cute, what breed are they? I may just have to try and find some cute mottled/splochy babies :love
  4. ChickenTenderKesha

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    I’m not 100% sure who shipped the eggs actually! what I do know, is that my friend who hatched them out said they were shipped beautifully and had so much care put into their wrapping from the breeder!! I’ll say he knew what he was doing for sure :thumbsup Oh man you’re not that far actually...
  5. ChickenTenderKesha

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    I was trying to catch up on the missed posts before saying thank you but it’s about time I said it :lol: I was just excited to have somewhere to share photos of my girls I didn’t think I’d actually get POW :love Thank you guys! It really made my day when I saw that come in 💕
  6. ChickenTenderKesha

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Thank you! :love Thank you! :love Yes they are Silver Laced Polish, a friend hatched them out earlier this summer! Their hatch rate was impeccable for shipped eggs! 100% hatch rate on a bakers dozen from eggs in BC if I’m not mistaken! Thank you! :love Thank you! :love Thank you! :love...
  7. ChickenTenderKesha

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Thank you!! They are my recent additions to the flock :love I love them so much I just might get a few more pullets if my friend has more available in a little bit after separation takes place for my growouts !
  8. ChickenTenderKesha

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    Cruella (right) and her sisters first time exploring the great outside! 💕 Niger is perfectly hidden behind Jackie (left), with only her black crest peaking out. Cruella is ready for her close up. She was not expecting that gust of wind to come in, and quite frankly no one else was either...
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