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  1. asteria819

    Hen lethargic, fluffed feathers, poop very green (poop pic warning)

    Thank you so much. We were wondering if it was related to her reproductive system, but since she’s gone so long without issue we figured it’s gastrointestinal related. We are keeping her comfortable and isolated. Hopefully things will turn out and nothing spread to the rest of our ladies :fl
  2. asteria819

    Hen lethargic, fluffed feathers, poop very green (poop pic warning)

    Hello everyone! I have a hen who is one year old and as of yesterday she has been acting a bit funny. She’s usually top dog and lets everyone know it. *A little back story* She has not laid since September. She began laying in late August. One day she laid a soft egg and has not laid since. She...
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