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  1. Coldweatherbirds


    HATCHING HELP My eggs are pipping early!!!! Lots of peeping and one pip in there. I know that the incubator got too hot during those warm days we had here in Maine, and this can cause them to pip early (they aren't due until Wednesday). But.... I also hear that when they hatch early they are...
  2. Coldweatherbirds


  3. Coldweatherbirds


    Woo hoo!!!!!!!! Ready, set,.... Hatch!!!!! (I'm like, totally advanced for a 4 week old.)
  4. Coldweatherbirds


    It's my second hatching, I'm using the LG still air (blah). I got a just-under 50% hatch rate last year (then 3 fatalities I think). It's a borrowed LG... I never ended up getting the incubator that I really wanted this year. (Sigh.) I put my eggs in the closet in the office as I collect them...
  5. Coldweatherbirds


    I've stopped getting update notifications. Anyone putting eggs in the 'bator this month? I know there are Easter hatchers going in soon... or already in? My borrowed LG is warming up and eggs are accumulating in the closet. Woo-hoo!!!!!!
  6. Coldweatherbirds


    Do you think she would take them that late? The one that hatched did it on Tuesday... so it'll be a week older than your hatchlings. I don't know what to do. I'm going to take away the last 3 eggs in the morning. Maybe she'll be ok with just 1? What would you do?
  7. Coldweatherbirds


    I'm looking for a couple hatchlings to join the one that my broody hatched. Anyone got a couple chicks less than a week old that they'd be willing to part with?
  8. Coldweatherbirds


    Well, my broody has got at least one little chickie! She still has 3 more eggs under her... we'll see. It's been 24 hours since this one pipped, so I'm not too optimistic. But the one we got is a cutie!!!! Blue copper maran daddy... who knows what mommy.... it was a light brown egg though.
  9. Coldweatherbirds


    I plan on being in Portland friday feb 10th in the evening if that is any help.
  10. Coldweatherbirds


    I have mix breed fertile eggs... my birds are listed below. I'd gladly give you a dozen... I'm a ways up though... Litchfield.
  11. Coldweatherbirds


    Hatching is so much fun!!! I hope at least 1 of the 4 under my broody hen hatches. I'm concerned because she didn't want to eat or drink tonight. But I do keep food and water in with her, so maybe she already had some today. Worried mama.
  12. Coldweatherbirds


    I hear you. My blue copper maran rooster is HEAVY! If he ever gets really mean, he'll be a menace.
  13. Coldweatherbirds


    I'd offer you one of her chicks if/when they hatch, but they are only 1/2 maran chicks. She's a blue splash maran, but the eggs under her aren't hers they are 1/2 blue copper maran and 1/2 mutt. we'll see what I get. It's her first try.
  14. Coldweatherbirds


    My broody Maran is still at it and no more explosions (I just read that Marans can be annoyingly broody... this will be interesting as she isn't even a year old yet.) But we have a routine now: I take a bucket of luke-warm water out to the driveway, I take out a bowl of moistened pellets and...
  15. Coldweatherbirds


    frozen I used the 2 cracked frozen eggs that I collected yesterday to make pancakes this morning. It's the first time that I've eaten the cracked ones, I'll let you all know when I come down with salmonella (jk). The not cracked eggs, well I can't tell if they are/were frozen or not so they go...
  16. Coldweatherbirds


    My chicken just exploded in my kitchen. 3-5 days worth of **** came spraying out of her. It went 4 feet down the hall. The smell is unimaginable. I work in a hospital.... the smell in here right now has my husband in fetal position with a sweatshirt over his face. How do I get myself into these...
  17. Coldweatherbirds


    Snowbell is still sitting on her eggs. She eats a little grain, drinks water... but I don't think she's pooped in 3 days or more days... Is this ok? What ifshe's not really broody but eggbound? How would I know, I've never had either. When I stand her up at the water bucket she drinks, then...
  18. Coldweatherbirds


    It's going to take me a while to get the hang of the new look on here. But I didn't need to resubscribe either... yet?
  19. Coldweatherbirds


    Broody Ok, I brought my broody Blue Splash Maran inside. It looks like she has decided to commit fully to being broody. She is in a guinea pig cage covered with a table cloth. She can stand up, stretch and turn around, but not any more room than that. Unfortunately she is not sitting on any of...
  20. Coldweatherbirds


    Quote: I'm just not familiar with Maine at all... I'm not from here, and get lost continually still within 10 miles of my house, despite being here over 5 years. I was in panic mode last Friday for I was in the wrong lane at one of the Disgusta traffic circles and had to exit at the wrong...
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