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  1. Speed


    Wow I just got back here after a while away. I bought a house and have been working on it for the last year, finally all moved in. I had some reading to do, 4537 unread posts LOL. our original flock of 12 has changed a lot. we sold some, ate some and breed some. Bought some new ones and repeated...
  2. Speed


    nope didn't save the egg shells, noone has asked about that. I did a complete cleaning of the brooder this morning. I bleached the tub we have them in and rinsed it several times with hot water. No funny smell or bleach smell coming from that now. I made a tray to keep the water out of the...
  3. Speed


    ok couple things real quick here. 1st. topic is: wife thinks she has some allergy to baby chicks. Not adult chicks, just baby chicks. I've read about chicken allergies, the symptoms are just like any other allergy. I don't think it's chicken allergies, I think it's just pain old allergies. Itchy...
  4. Speed


    oh forgot to mention that if anyone in the southern maine area is looking, i have some marans chicks for sale. straight run of course, i'm not sure just yet on the sexing part., i will look and see what i was sent for eggs as far as color of marans. i know some blues and blacks and splashes.
  5. Speed


    I ran the incubator this hatch and the wife sat by and watched. She got tired of me telling her she was doing it wrong and told me to try it if I'm so smart. Her first 2 hatches were a flop, the next three were staggered hatches and those were a flop, her last 2 hatches she had 4 out of 12 hatch...
  6. Speed


    thats a good idea i'll try that too. i'm thinking i might break down and buy the fan kit for my little giant.
  7. Speed


    On another note. Our hatch rates have been horrible. We've run probably 40 eggs through our incubators (we have 1 with a turner and 1 with out so at day 18 we put them in the bator without the turner) and have only gotten 10 hatched and out of that 2 died. These weren't all at 1 time, a dozen...
  8. Speed


    Haven't been on in a while. 301 unread posts lol. So I'm building another coop, 6foot x 6 foot. I have it just about done. nice creamy tan color with black stained trim. the trim isn't on it yet but hopefully this week. I just scored free insulation too. I've been working on this thing in my...
  9. Speed


    welp, out of the 7 eggs that were in lock down 4 of them hatched. not too shabby. we got a bunch more in the bator going into lock down sunday night and setting a new batch that we got in the mail. the batch we got in the mail came with a free "mystery" egg. the egg is a duck egg. and the coop...
  10. Speed


    we set 7 eggs in lockdown wednesday night. we have 3 hatched already and 1 moving all around in the egg getting ready to pip through. the other 2 eggs show no sign of movement. we'll be setting 12 more in lock down sunday night.
  11. Speed


    welp we lost our first batch of eggs in the incubator. we have a bunch of eggs in 1 incubator (staggered hatches) and we just set 8 eggs in lockdown in our second incubator. Yep 2 incubators now. one for 1-18 days and the other for 19- hatching. They are due to hatch on 3/29 yet we had 1 pip...
  12. Speed


    We got our fertile eggs in yesterday. They sent us Silkie, Blue/ Blue splash Cochin, Black copper Maran and Blue copper Maran, 2 eggs from each breed. The Ebay order was for 6 eggs but she sent 8 anyway. Got them in the bator then today headed up to TSC in Sanford and got a automatic egg turner...
  13. Speed


    oh sorry. none, they are all girls :)
  14. Speed


    Yep we been bit that's for sure. We found baby chicks and or fertile eggs for the specific breeds we wanted. I have a friend who wants me to hatch out some quail eggs. Told her depending on how good our first try at this incubator goes maybe the next round will be her quail eggs. we got the...
  15. Speed


    we had 19 during the summer and they were free ranging going through a 50# bag of feed in 3 to 4 weeks. we then reduced our flock to 14 and this winter they go through about 50# in 2 weeks. We have a feeder that funnels the food down as they eat it so they can eat when ever they feel like it. We...
  16. Speed


    we have 1 rooster. I keep saying from the original flock actually he is one we hatched from our original flock back when we had a a broody and decided to let her sit on a clutch of eggs.
  17. Speed


    I haven't posted in a while so I thought I might say hello. The wife and I had plans to expand our coop. We want to get into a few fancy breeds. This past weekend we found a smoking deal on some 4 day old chicks. We got a salmon favorelle for $3.00 2 silver laced wyandottes at $2.00 and a black...
  18. Speed


    I picked a frozen egg up from the floor yesterday. I set it aside so as to not mix it with my carton. What does one do with a frozen egg? Let it thaw and use it like it was never frozen, throw it away or?
  19. Speed


    How's everybodys critters holding up with this cold weather? I went out to the coop yesterday and let chickens out into the run, it wasn't super cold. I got 4 eggs (would have been 5 but 1 was broken). I went out this morning and figured I would open the pop door, give them the choice of coming...
  20. Speed


    Started looking at different chicken breeds today. I'm looking for Top Hats, Olive Eggers and Blue/ Red Laced Wyandottes and Silver Spangled Hamburgs. If anyone has fertile eggs for sale or will be hatching any of these breeds for late spring I'd love to buy some. Anyone have any trouble...
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