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  1. kerrialexander

    Kerri´s Island Flock

    Today my daughter painted the duck house! Check it out! My son finally got Jimini to eat out of his hand and actually hung out in the yard with the animals! (YES!) What did you do today?! Happy Saturday!
  2. kerrialexander

    Kerri´s Island Flock

    I wish I would remember to take my phone outside when I work in the garden for pictures. So, in one corner of my backyard I have a section fenced off for the garden, the chicks and ducks get free reign over the rest but can´t go in there. BUT when I go out to check the veggies, they all run up...
  3. kerrialexander

    Kerri´s Island Flock

    Hi there! Meet our Flock! We have chickens and ducks in our little island backyard here in Texas! First off we have Duchess, who has actually gone to live with a different flock but I absolutely love this picture of him and my daughter, so I am sharing it anyways. Next up we have Jimini and...
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