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  1. U_Stormcrow

    9 w/o NHRs "shark fin" look

    SO mine, the mottling isn't nearly so pronounced on the hackles, almost completely absent. They do have the lighter feathered breasts, but not the darker toned wings, back or saddle. Fluff less pronounced (or light), and the black tail feathers are also mostly lacking - my birds have less than...
  2. U_Stormcrow

    9 w/o NHRs "shark fin" look

    @Wyorp Rock, shy a DNA test, is there a way to distinguish between the HH' "Rainbow whatever" and the NHR visually? (and do we have an abbreviation for the HH Rainbow?) I've asked this same question in the breed thread, here, no answers yet, just a comment that may cause the thread to be...
  3. U_Stormcrow

    9 w/o NHRs "shark fin" look

    Thanks @Wyorp Rock ! As I inspected my birds this AM while they raced out the gate to free range, I was happy to find this symptom, whatever it is, had completely disappeared on two of my birds, and largely disappeared on the third (they aren't tagged, so I can't tell you whether the one still...
  4. U_Stormcrow

    9 w/o NHRs "shark fin" look

    Ok, this is my first time, and its probably nothing, but as I was putting the flock in from free ranging for the night, I noticed three of my flock - 9 week old New Hampshire reds - each had a vaguely shark-fin like (or mohawk, if you prefer) collection of a few feathers starting to sticking up...
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