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  1. mylilchix

    Bantam Coop?s

    That's what I thought. I couldn't build something like that for that price. I'll put in a new window and door, but my costs are minimum. Woohoo!! Sonja
  2. mylilchix

    Bantam Coop?s

    That's what I thought, but wanted to make sure. We'll start out with 5, and i know we'll add more. Plus our Pekins are a hen and roo, so I'm hoping for babies at some point!! Sonja
  3. mylilchix

    Bantam Coop?s

    Thanks for the help. We love our new babies and can't wait to get more!!! I want to make sure we have room for extras. Sonja
  4. mylilchix

    Bantam Coop?s

    We've just entered the wonderful world of bantams. We have 2, 12 week old Pekins and 2, 1 week old silkies. I'm also planning on getting a sebright soon, too. I'm planning on buying this playhouse and turning it into a bantam coop. The...
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