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  1. dlhunicorn


    it is extremely rare that an egg will be invaded by an internal parasite soon as you medicate they advise a waiting period as the medication can be present in miniscule amounts and this is to ensure that there are no resistance issues ...
  2. dlhunicorn


    For the valbazen you can ask Petere Brown at if that info is not with the med (tho I believe it is) ...a safe general withdrawal time is 2 weeks though sometimes it is much less than that...
  3. dlhunicorn


    Helminths are parasitic worms, not the host insects... ... that is correct...there are many types and carrier insects...there will be more in quantity (at least in and around my copost pile there is!) ....for an excellent chart see here...
  4. dlhunicorn


    yes, since the worm load was so obvious and I know Peter (FirstState Vet supply)will get it out fairly understanding on the Ivomec Eprinex is that it is hard to find in smaller quantities so this will give you time to perhaps look for someone in your area to "share".... you use the...
  5. dlhunicorn


    that compost pile is the cause of their worms (many of the insects >HELMINTHS and are the source of the worms in your birds)... you will need meds to treat... you can get a faecal float but also you can order valbazen (FirstStateVet Supply > >it is a braod spectrum...
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