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  1. Red-Stars-in-RI

    Kitchen scraps

    I just spent a couple hours re-piling compost and processing food waste into the pile. It’s 90 degrees out. I will continue to post based on my experience that that this can be done successfully....I will no longer disagree with anyone who says I’m nuts to do it.;)
  2. Red-Stars-in-RI

    Kitchen scraps

    I’ll agree, with the caveat that it’s on all of US to make that true with every post. Every time an untrue thing (“potato peels are POISONOUS”) is uttered on here, it’s less accurate and reliable.
  3. Red-Stars-in-RI

    Kitchen scraps

    In addition to you tubers, I’ll add “you shouldn’t listen to anyone on the internet either”. :D
  4. Red-Stars-in-RI

    Kitchen scraps

    😘 😂
  5. Red-Stars-in-RI

    Kitchen scraps

    Many of the laws in Europe stem from the “mad cow” epidemic. That being said...based on a layman’s understanding of how viruses spread (I love that everyone is an amateur epidemiologist these days), I don’t see how feeding food waste to a chicken would be any more likely to give you COVID than...
  6. Red-Stars-in-RI

    Kitchen scraps

    The potato peel thing is people not understanding the green potato thing. I agree that you see one of those rarely if ever. Dairy farmers used to give the leftover skim to chickens and pigs back in the day. There is one big difference between modern chickens and grandpa’s though. Grandpa’s...
  7. Red-Stars-in-RI

    Kitchen scraps

    I feel like the Rhodes spend more money of stuff than most homesteads, too. They build raised beds that probably cost more than my truck. I build coops, raised beds, and composters out of salvaged pallets and other scrap lumber (that I haul in above mentioned truck). And whenever he opens a...
  8. Red-Stars-in-RI

    Kitchen scraps

    Like I said...this is more work than most approaches. Today, while doing morning feeding and egg collection, I spent maybe 15 min re-piling what the chickens had scratched off the pile. I was at the food pantry at lunchtime picking up some food waste - a nice, smallish load (very manageable)...
  9. Red-Stars-in-RI

    Kitchen scraps

    And hawks are tough...we have decent tree cover, but still have been hit by small cooper hawks.
  10. Red-Stars-in-RI

    Kitchen scraps

    Oh yeah, if you’re not composting or deep litter in your run, you’ll want to remove what they can’t consume before it goes bad or attracts pests.
  11. Red-Stars-in-RI

    Kitchen scraps

    That’s fair...I really do think that the abundance and the free choice are key to it working.
  12. Red-Stars-in-RI

    Kitchen scraps

    Justin Rhodes actually is a lot more into pasture than compost (his big thing is temporary fencing and moving them every day). That being said, everyone should do their own research and do what they feel is best for their situation. @iwltfum - my experience is similar to yours in that...
  13. Red-Stars-in-RI

    Kitchen scraps

    And I never said you should feed moldy things or dairy. Aren’t we an agreeable lot!:D
  14. Red-Stars-in-RI

    Kitchen scraps

    Those that insist that commercial feed is the only way are welcome to the opinion...but don’t attack what you clearly have no practical experience with. Many people have been feeding chickens on food waste and compost for a LONG time...I’m guessing they’re not all lying and secretly replacing...
  15. Red-Stars-in-RI

    Kitchen scraps

    Do your own research and do what you’re comfortable with - but a lot of what you read simply isn’t true. Just in this thread: potatoes peels aren’t bad for chickens (green potato peels, from improperly grown potatoes exposed to sunlight, are - but you could go years not seeing a green skinned...
  16. Red-Stars-in-RI

    Kitchen scraps

    Feeding food waste can certainly be done. In addition to Justin Rhodes, check out "Edible Acres" on YouTube. Man, I've mentioned those guys on here so much lately...I swear they're not paying me! :p On second thought...those guys have thousands of subscribers...instead click on the link in my...
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