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  1. chuckyjo

    My miracle babies are here! OH WOW! Born by ceasarean!

    How interesting and lovely to go over these posts! The babies are 12 days old now and are an absolute joy to behold. Not a day goes by when I don't realise how lucky we are to have such gorgeous little miracles. They have both grown splendid little flight feathers on their wings and are just...
  2. chuckyjo

    My miracle babies are here! OH WOW! Born by ceasarean!

    Oh thank you so much! Such a lovely message. All my friends think I'm crazy.......most of them don't have any interests other than going out, shopping, etc's great to have this website with lovely people like you on it to indulge my favourite passtime! I adore my chickens, as you...
  3. chuckyjo

    My miracle babies are here! OH WOW! Born by ceasarean!

    Here are a few new pictures for those of you are interested in my unusual breed! Impossible to get good ones because they're never still. Here is Bonny the Mother sitting on her laundry basket nest! She is typical of the Miniature Ginger Oxford Game Hen. The twins! Few days old now...
  4. chuckyjo

    My miracle babies are here! OH WOW! Born by ceasarean!

    Quote: Stay tuned Cherlyn, I'm working on it! Thanks for all your lovely comments xxx
  5. chuckyjo

    My miracle babies are here! OH WOW! Born by ceasarean!

    Quote: I got them from a Man who lives near me thruogh a massive stroke of luck and chain of coincidences! Beem after hatching eggs for a while, found some on e-bay, they were duds. Kept asking around but to no avail. Bumped in to a freidn of a friend in Asda, I couldn't actually remember...
  6. chuckyjo

    My miracle babies are here! OH WOW! Born by ceasarean!

    Well when I was an Air Hostess I was quite up on Customs and Excise regulations, and any animal produce, meat or meat products, milk or milk products, dairy products and livestock are most definately not allowed.......I'm sure it can be done with the correct papers but I've no idea how to go...
  7. chuckyjo

    My miracle babies are here! OH WOW! Born by ceasarean!

    Thanks everyone! These two are going be even more spoiled than the flock......they both had a lovely hours sleep in a sock inside my jumper whilst I watched tv last night! And they love having their feathers fluffed up with a baby's toothbrush! They are real treasures. The incubator is...
  8. chuckyjo

    My miracle babies are here! OH WOW! Born by ceasarean!

    A couple of them all fluffed out. Impossible to take a good picture because they will not sit still! They had their first chick crumbs this morning. I love them!
  9. chuckyjo

    My miracle babies are here! OH WOW! Born by ceasarean!

    Thank you so much! We seriously happy with them, and very proud! Non chicken lovers do not know what they are missing. My friends think I'm nuts but I get more sense out of my little flock than from any Human Being. They have brought so much joy and are seriously spoiled rotten! I like ugly...
  10. chuckyjo

    My miracle babies are here! OH WOW! Born by ceasarean!

    Rusty our Cockerel in my kitchen! Bonny the Hen in our laundry room about to join him! Minutes later I had four of them making themselves at home in the living room! This was funny until Rusty flew into my curtains with his filthy feet and Eggletina did the inevitable on my settee. Back...
  11. chuckyjo

    My miracle babies are here! OH WOW! Born by ceasarean!

    Quote: They are miniature Ginger Oxford Game, which is a quite rare British breed. Now I've got the hang of this picture lark I'll put some up of their parents so you can see how they'll turn out!
  12. chuckyjo

    My miracle babies are here! OH WOW! Born by ceasarean!

    These are the eggs during hatching. And above after some assistance. And a very proud 6 year old holding her treasures!
  13. chuckyjo

    My miracle babies are here! OH WOW! Born by ceasarean!

    News........ I have two ADORABLE little babies! They came 2 and 3 days late, and I had to break them out as they both got stuck fast, despite all conditions in the incubator being optimum. I had to keep misting the eggs with aired water....which helped a little but wasn't enough. Then I...
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