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  1. Skywarita

    Why haven´t my chickens layed in months?

    Thank you!!! I have an update: they are so much better now!! They are cheerful, fat and very fluffy :)
  2. Skywarita

    Why haven´t my chickens layed in months?

    thank you!! They loved it :)
  3. Skywarita

    Why haven´t my chickens layed in months?

    Thank you for your insightful reply!!! I actually just got special feed for them today and I hope to start a different diet for them. I really appreciate all the feedback everyone gave me. And yes i have heard chickens are being altered to lay more which is very sad...
  4. Skywarita

    Why haven´t my chickens layed in months?

    well i feed them what I always learned i had to feed them (cabbage, eggshells and corn) but if its not enough i will change
  5. Skywarita

    Why haven´t my chickens layed in months?

    Thank you for the tips, I will take care of the diet ASAP
  6. Skywarita

    Why haven´t my chickens layed in months?

    thank you so much, I will do this!! I am just worried because I recently noticed she might have vent gleet; but I will take her to the vet.
  7. Skywarita

    Why haven´t my chickens layed in months?

    thank you so much for the info. that makes a lot of sense and i do believe they are depressed
  8. Skywarita

    Why haven´t my chickens layed in months?

    We usually feed them corn, home grown cabbage, rice, and rests of foods that we eat in the previous day (always chicken friendly food like vegies, fruit, grains...) and now also cat food in a can!) But it seems its not enough. I will be getting chicken protein mix!
  9. Skywarita

    Why haven´t my chickens layed in months?

    thank you!! I hope they do feel good soon :)
  10. Skywarita

    Why haven´t my chickens layed in months?

    Hello backyard chickeners!! I have two beatiful chickens who are usually happy, cheerful and active. Lately, since autumn and *almost here* winter came around the corner, they have been very sad and not active at all.They barely eat, poop liquidy (sometimes) and NEVER lay eggs!! Actually, this...
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