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  1. meepANDpeep

    Construction/River/Masonry Sand For Coop? Links for Online Purchase?

    Good point. I’ll write that up in here tomorrow and share the materials I used 🙂 since this was about sand wasn’t sure if I should change subject
  2. meepANDpeep

    Construction/River/Masonry Sand For Coop? Links for Online Purchase?

    UPDATE I got play sand at Lowes - Sakrete - and it actually was really good. It had some pebbles and gravel and was natural. Then I added some chick grit and some real red desert sand from Australia (I have extra from my bearded dragons but this stuff is expensive so will not be a repeat...
  3. meepANDpeep

    Construction/River/Masonry Sand For Coop? Links for Online Purchase?

    update - i looked at pictures of it, and it doesn't look too fine at all (that particular brand you sent) - I was thinking like the really powdery stuff
  4. meepANDpeep

    Construction/River/Masonry Sand For Coop? Links for Online Purchase?

    by too fine... I mean I read it can clump together more easily and impact them... but I've also read that a lot of people have sworn by it... this is a new realm for me, so I can only tell what I've read hahah
  5. meepANDpeep

    Construction/River/Masonry Sand For Coop? Links for Online Purchase?

    I read somewhere that play sand can be a problem because it's too fine for inhalation and ingestion and that you should use masonry or river sand, but I've read from a lot of people who use play sand too though, so I don know :confused:
  6. meepANDpeep

    Construction/River/Masonry Sand For Coop? Links for Online Purchase?

    Is there any risk they'll ingest the play sand? and do you have a link to the sand you use? That would be awesome!
  7. meepANDpeep

    Construction/River/Masonry Sand For Coop? Links for Online Purchase?

    like this?
  8. meepANDpeep

    Construction/River/Masonry Sand For Coop? Links for Online Purchase?

    @cavemanrich - would Quikrete/Sakrete Mason or Medium be an okay sand?
  9. meepANDpeep

    Construction/River/Masonry Sand For Coop? Links for Online Purchase?

    I might not be here forever so not going to change it to that just yet
  10. meepANDpeep

    Construction/River/Masonry Sand For Coop? Links for Online Purchase?

    thank you, @cavemanrich I'd love to go and get some but transportation may be a problem right now. I don't need a lot just yet. Just enough for a small 2-quail hutch, and I'm going to try it in my 5-chick (bantam) brooder/transition box that's around 16 sq ft. Then when those chicks are adults...
  11. meepANDpeep

    Construction/River/Masonry Sand For Coop? Links for Online Purchase?

    Hi Everyone, I'm extremely interested in using river sand for my coops. Wanted to hear some pros and cons, and, I know from other threads that most people go to their local quarry and get some. Is there anyone who gets it online? I'd like to make an online purchase, and I'd love to know if this...
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