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  1. Ninjasquirrel

    Year old cockrel; worth eating?

    Well I guess within reason. Like, its traditionally made with burgundy but I dont care for that so Id probably use pinot noir. For the mushrooms Id probably use morels and instead of lardons I'd use bacon
  2. Ninjasquirrel

    Year old cockrel; worth eating?

    If I'm gonna make authentic coq au vine because I can I will. I dont pull out the stops when it comes to recipes. I make a recipe by the recipe and then fine tune it to my family's tastes so if I'm gonna make coq au vone I will make authentic coq au vine. That way if its enjoyed it will be...
  3. Ninjasquirrel

    Year old cockrel; worth eating?

    I disagree. Id never eat a chicken that was sick or died of an unknown cause. Id also never eat my favorite bird. My fav though (profile pic) died very suddenly one day. Shes buried in my backyard with a homemade headstone. As for this roo though...well he took a bite out of me first...
  4. Ninjasquirrel

    Year old cockrel; worth eating?

    I didnt think about coq au vin! Ive never tried to make it but I guess this is the perfect excuse to try. Ive always wanted to try it but it can be difficult.
  5. Ninjasquirrel

    Year old cockrel; worth eating?

    Yea dieting sucks. I might just shred him up in the crockpot with some cream cheese and taco seasoning. It also depends on what I'm in the mood for since I dont cook them for a while. Its hard for us to transition from process to plate. I made fried chicken 3 days after one time and my...
  6. Ninjasquirrel

    Year old cockrel; worth eating?

    He looks delicious! I cant have rice right now because I'm doing keto but I'm sure I'll think of something.
  7. Ninjasquirrel

    Year old cockrel; worth eating?

    I like the skin personally but only if I'm going to be frying the bird. My fiancee doesnt quite have the pull down method down to give the drumsticks an attractive look. I slaughter the birds and then he takes over processing and brings me in the bird all clean for me to put in the freezer...
  8. Ninjasquirrel

    Year old cockrel; worth eating?

    Is it worth it to pluck him or should I just skin him instead? Its gonna be a while before I do this because I would rather do a few roos at once then just the one. Plus I wont eat anything that has a name so hes gonna sit in my freezer for a while before I eat him. Ill just label the bag...
  9. Ninjasquirrel

    Year old cockrel; worth eating?

    I was thinking Id put him in the crockpot with a little water and cook him on low for a good 4 or 5 hours. I dont really have a recipe picked out for him yet
  10. Ninjasquirrel

    Year old cockrel; worth eating?

    Ive got a year old cockrel that has bitten me one two many times. Ive got at least 2 young cockrels in my brooder so I have his replacement lined up. Is he worth plucking and eating? Or would his meat be too tough?
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