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  1. Uwish

    The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

    Here’s the thing everyone most people I’ve already made up their minds and their opinion of this Covid and no one’s mind is going to be changed if you want to get the Vax cool if you don’t cool no one and I mean no one should be trying to tell others what to do with their lives bodies etc.
  2. Uwish

    The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

    Both of my main doctors take off their masks as soon as they walk in the room with me same with the nurses. 1 of my docs (Who deals with the immune system) I have discussed this plandemic thoroughly.
  3. Uwish

    The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

    I will not be getting it. Just to point out I am a (high risk) person and I have not at any point changed the way I live.. haven’t worn a mask at all except at dr apts because I had to. Haven’t worn gloves haven’t stayed 6 feet away and have still gathered with friends fam in large groups.
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