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  1. walkswithdog

    Day 22 - First Pips, baby and now 4 chicks with mamma hen!! Pics!!!

    Ilove the silkie baby pics, I ended up with sizzles and it's my first time with a foofoo breed. I have one silkie feathered one, four sizzles -omg that's silly, and two smooth feathered. But MOST of them are now getting topknots, some are bearded and tufted and some just tufts and poofs and...
  2. walkswithdog

    Day 22 - First Pips, baby and now 4 chicks with mamma hen!! Pics!!!

    Becareful about wanting a broody. LOL not all broodies are sweet. Some are well.... rather nasty. Take my broody turkey... OMG we have daily negotiations about whether she's going to take my hand off or not. I have to check, some of the chickens have been laying in there with her and if I...
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