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  1. mylilchix

    Moving 7 Weekers Outside?

    That's awesome news!!! I bet they just cuddled together and got all snuggly. They're probably hardier than we think. Sonja
  2. mylilchix

    Moving 7 Weekers Outside?

    I've put them out during the day and had no problems. they get really excited about their new bigger space!! As for chickens and cats the only experience I have had is with our cat, Bear. The thing though is Bear is a VERY GOOD cat. During warmer weather he spends most of his time outside...
  3. mylilchix

    Moving 7 Weekers Outside?

    I did insulate part of their coop, and my big coop blocks some of the wind. I may put them out the middle of next week (they'll be 8 weeks this Saturday), we're supposed to get a storm on Monday. I think after that passes it may be safe to put them out. I just want to make sure they're safe...
  4. mylilchix

    Moving 7 Weekers Outside?

    Hmm, maybe I will try them out there. I still have space in the house f they get cold. The coop is wired for electric, I just haven't plugged it in yet. They're getting so big, Id like to get them out of my house before my next shipment of chicks arrives. Sonja
  5. mylilchix

    Moving 7 Weekers Outside?

    I'm almost finished remodeling my bantam coop. As soon as it's done I'm moving my 3 month old Pekins out there. I also have 2, 7 w/o Ameraucanas in the house that I'm debating about moving out with them. Do you think they'll get too cold w/o a light at night? It's been in the 60s during the...
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