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  1. LaFleche

    Chicken not moving much - Possible Chicken Fowl Pox?

    How does her poop look? When did she last lay an egg? How old is she? Did you recently add new chickens to your flock? Some of my older chickens do rest more, as they are molting right now. And they love to take sun baths too, when the sun comes out even for just a short time, laying spraweld...
  2. LaFleche

    Chicken not moving much - Possible Chicken Fowl Pox?

    To make sure her crops empties over night, you can put her in a cage without food or water for the night and feel her crop early in the morning right before she gets to drink or eat. It should be empty by then.
  3. LaFleche

    Chicken not moving much - Possible Chicken Fowl Pox?

    If you meant these tiny little spots on her comb, they are little scabs, nothing to worry about.
  4. LaFleche

    Chicken not moving much - Possible Chicken Fowl Pox?

    Hi @CityChickenLady24 and welcome to the BYC community! :frow "Tiny black dots" rather sounds like poultry mites or stick tight fleas to me. Both will suck the blood of your hen and can transmit bacteria, which will leave her weak and anaemic. Without some pictures for exact determination it...
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