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  1. picklestheduck

    Cat that showed up

    Thank you so much! I will definitely search more. I have not tried treats yet but we will see. Tonight he growled at my kitten Sawyer because I was feeding him and Sushi had already been fed. Then, when my other kitten Simba came into the barn, Sushi lashed out at him and attacked him. We cant...
  2. picklestheduck

    Cat that showed up

    Ok. Yes definitely. Thank you so much!!!
  3. picklestheduck

    Cat that showed up

    We are in Michigan, we have checked several places, and they are only taking house cats and they say to leave message but their message boxes are full..... I'm not sure what else I can do.
  4. picklestheduck

    Cat that showed up

    Here Sushi is in front of his shed. Also sorry I sent them all separately my laptop would not do it any other way.
  5. picklestheduck

    Cat that showed up

    Hey @TropicalBabies I know this is a chicken sight, but I need some advice with a kitty. A while back a stray cat showed up at our barn. He was crying and trying to tear bins and bags open for food. He was starving very badly so much so I could like count his bones. I jumped right into helping...
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