Cat that showed up


Obsessed with Animals🦆🐓🐥🐴🐱🐶
Premium Feather Member
Oct 16, 2021
Hey @TropicalBabies I know this is a chicken sight, but I need some advice with a kitty. A while back a stray cat showed up at our barn. He was crying and trying to tear bins and bags open for food. He was starving very badly so much so I could like count his bones. I jumped right into helping him, but wanted to be careful cuz we have to other kittens and I don't want them getting sick if this new guy has anything. I started with VERY small frequent meals since he obviously had not had a meal in a long time. We really shouldn't take on another critter right now, we are maxed out, but HOW could I NOT feed this poor baby? We named him Sushi, and he seems to like it. He currently has a little box with old blankets and pillows in our shed, with a litter and food and water. I heat up a rice pack and put it in there every night since its like freezing here. He still goes into the barn and will steal our two kitties food and is kinda bossy to them, but we don't have another option for quarantining. We had an old rabbit cage that was a nice size I had put him in but he busted through that so that's not an option. I will leave him locked in the shed some days to give our cats a break and to make sure he isn't going to be bossy. He probably really needs to be seen by a vet, but we cannot afford more vet bills right now. We looked around trying to find a rescue but NO ONE will take him. Our only option is to do the best that we can for him. We pulled 2 ticks off his head, and just try to love him up. He also needs to be neutered, but again...we cant do that for him. He is very tame and was clearly someones pet that was dumped on our dirt road. He uses the litter no problem, and stays in his little homemade kitty house we placed in our shed and eats and drinks normally. I noticed his first stool in the litter was bloody...and that was a concern but his other waste has looked normal. He uses his litter SEVERAL times a day and goes a considerable amount. Not sure if this is concerning or just normal since his body is still adjusting to eating again. We have been caring for him for a couple weeks now, so I have started feeding him a bit more each time. He is on high protein wet food and dry kibble IAMS brand. I made sure not to get indoor cat food and tried to get higher protein to help him the best I can. We have some extra flea and tick prevention that we kinda just want to put on him, but aren't sure. We tried to order some for him but our vet was not helpful and would not give us any. I'm most concerned he might have a parasite or worms or something....and really want to have him seen by a vet, but there is no way we can do that right now. His sides are slowly filling in and his coat is definitely looking shinier than before. He is a very happy cat and begs for attention 24/7. I just noticed this morning that he had vomited in his shed. I looks like just flem to me, but this is very concerning to me. Anyone have ideas of what else I can do for this little guy? I have asked around for possible homes but no one seems to want him.... Help!!!!

Here Sushi is in front of his shed. Also sorry I sent them all separately my laptop would not do it any other way.
How great of you to do what you can for him. I have a long-haired female kitty (same coloring as yours) that was dumped here. We live at the end of a dead-end dirt road. She is also living in our shed but can come and go as she pleases.

Can you see if there is a low or no cost spay and neuter clinic for him? They will give a free rabies shot too.

What state are you in?
How great of you to do what you can for him. I have a long-haired female kitty (same coloring as yours) that was dumped here. We live at the end of a dead-end dirt road. She is also living in our shed but can come and go as she pleases.

Can you see if there is a low or no cost spay and neuter clinic for him? They will give a free rabies shot too.

What state are you in?
We are in Michigan, we have checked several places, and they are only taking house cats and they say to leave message but their message boxes are full..... I'm not sure what else I can do.
We are in Michigan, we have checked several places, and they are only taking house cats and they say to leave message but their message boxes are full..... I'm not sure what else I can do.

You may have to keep doing what you are doing for now and try posting on Facebook or Craigslist but not for free... (people look for free animals on those sites for bait to train fighter dogs.) At least he is getting fed and has a warm place to sleep for now.

The cat sounds friendly and not feral. If you think it was someone's pet at one time, perhaps those places would take him in. I am certain they just don't want feral cats because they take so much to "tame" them. Maybe try them again and explain that it is a housecat that got dumped and you can't bring it in the house due to other pets.
Hey Pickles. Wow, you just made my day ♡♡♡♡
I agree with everything that I have read. Especially I would consider him a domesticated cat and think he should be eligible to be rehomed. Main thing is he gets fixed and I think/hope they may do that for him. He is VERY handsome and will make someone a great companion if you decide it is too much to take on another. I think you did a fabulous job by the way. Saved his little life ♡

I would not be too concerned about the barf unless he does not stop. Cats kinda barf regular for a variety of reasons. The bloody stool sounds alarming but it could of been an external owie as opposed to internal bleeding. Good you are keeping you eye on it.

I would def look into getting him deloused. Do you think the place that takes on domestic cats will be willing to do a fecal float? The conversation may be a way into finding him solutions. At least that is what I have found here.

Not sure where you are at in this world but our Humane Society sponsors people to be foster homes. They don't pay us to do it but we can pick up supplies like food and litter and the cats can be vaccinated and seen by a vet and vets in training of all sorts. I'd dive deeper into your cat world to see if you can find something like that.
We but our flea meds, food and litter in bulk from Costco and that really helps too. I also had friends donate litter etc. It all helps for sure.
I'm not sure if you are going to be able to let that handsome boy go. I would not worry about him being diseased, more down on his luck till he found you. Try Google the Greater Good or other charities to help sponsor him till he finds his forever home- where ever that may be.
As far as not getting along with your other cats. That dynamic may change once he feels more secure and them too.
Have you tried kitty treats? Those go a long way in aiding friendships ♡♡♡
Hey Pickles. Wow, you just made my day ♡♡♡♡
I agree with everything that I have read. Especially I would consider him a domesticated cat and think he should be eligible to be rehomed. Main thing is he gets fixed and I think/hope they may do that for him. He is VERY handsome and will make someone a great companion if you decide it is too much to take on another. I think you did a fabulous job by the way. Saved his little life ♡

I would not be too concerned about the barf unless he does not stop. Cats kinda barf regular for a variety of reasons. The bloody stool sounds alarming but it could of been an external owie as opposed to internal bleeding. Good you are keeping you eye on it.

I would def look into getting him deloused. Do you think the place that takes on domestic cats will be willing to do a fecal float? The conversation may be a way into finding him solutions. At least that is what I have found here.

Not sure where you are at in this world but our Humane Society sponsors people to be foster homes. They don't pay us to do it but we can pick up supplies like food and litter and the cats can be vaccinated and seen by a vet and vets in training of all sorts. I'd dive deeper into your cat world to see if you can find something like that.
We but our flea meds, food and litter in bulk from Costco and that really helps too. I also had friends donate litter etc. It all helps for sure.
I'm not sure if you are going to be able to let that handsome boy go. I would not worry about him being diseased, more down on his luck till he found you. Try Google the Greater Good or other charities to help sponsor him till he finds his forever home- where ever that may be.
As far as not getting along with your other cats. That dynamic may change once he feels more secure and them too.
Have you tried kitty treats? Those go a long way in aiding friendships ♡♡♡
Thank you so much! I will definitely search more. I have not tried treats yet but we will see. Tonight he growled at my kitten Sawyer because I was feeding him and Sushi had already been fed. Then, when my other kitten Simba came into the barn, Sushi lashed out at him and attacked him. We cant having hurting my babies. And as much as I want to help the lil guy, I wish with all my heart I could keep him, I was committed to my other boys first and they are my priority. They are now scared of Sushi and I have to lock him in the shed whenever I feed anyone and I cant do that every time cuz its a pain in the butt. it also sucks cuz I'm currently very sick and and stuck on the couch and cannot do much....this all falls on my sister. We have to rehome him asap before he hurts our boys as much as I hate it. :hit :hit :hit

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