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  1. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Cute little fuzz balls!
  2. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Ganders, they just can’t resist babies!
  3. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Nah the girls are usually non-confrontational unless a nest is involved. Delphi and Dandelion don’t like it if I get near their nests while they’re on them so I just don’t bother. Friday and Tuesday aren’t bothered at all even if I reach under them and pull an egg out, Apricot is unpredictable...
  4. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    I don’t know why geese get such a bad rap. I have gotten good about dealing with hormonal spring angst and anticipating and avoiding bites but even still. The score so far: My 6 ganders: 5 attempted bites, only one landed a bite. My two drakes: I lost count. Just this last week alone I was...
  5. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    I dunno, they look pretty yellow to me! 😂
  6. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    My two 10 year old Spicy boys “Darby & Strawberry” have been mellower this spring so far, they’ve also decided to adopt 4 year old Helios… biggest and heaviest gander….as their child…..
  7. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    My ganders just love babies too.
  8. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Friday trying to make Jurassic Park a reality with this one.
  9. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

  10. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Omfg I know the feeling!
  11. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    My gander Parsnip has finally been hit with the horomones again. He’s transitioned from my reasonable polite boy that could invite you to tea, ask about your mother, and engage you in a conversation about his plans for the garden this year to “PINK BUCKET MUST DIE.”
  12. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Me: okay I’m going to trust you with your buckets tonight, don’t make a mess! My geese: sure no problem mom! “Keeps their beds nice and clean.” Me: I’m going to leave your buckets with you again, remember no playing in the water! My geese: will do mom! “Beds are nice and dry by morning.” Me...
  13. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Flying they do alright with, direction and landing seem to be more of an issue. Reminds me of my Delphi. One time she leapt off a bank in my upper yard and flew down to the lower yard. It was such a majestic sight until I realized she was headed right for the apple tree. Poor girl clotheslined...
  14. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    It sounds like you have a good plan, supervised outings together until they start feathering then they should be big enough and used to each other enough to be together more often.
  15. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    I have no expierience using incubators, I’ve let my girls do that bit in the past and for now I’m not breeding any more....though I want to 😂 @FoodFreedomNow knows more about incubators than I do!
  16. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    I feel you! My geese are my babies too. I don’t judge other people who raise their livestock for food purposes, I’m not naive to the real world and people’s livelihoods, but my goose babies are mine and I can choose who they go to if at all. As it is I’ve only ever given away two goslings that...
  17. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    They conquered the straw!
  18. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Poor baby!
  19. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Poor Thelma! Buckets can be dangerous sometimes! Leo once upended himself in a trough, it wasn’t big enough for him to turn around in but it happened in front of me so I pulled him out by the feet. My goose Friday had a similar incident to Thema’s, she somehow stuffed herself into a 5 gallon...
  20. Goosebaby

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    I just walked outside and I heard this clunking sound, around the corner I see my oldest gander Leo waddle up touting around the bucket, the handle of which he’d somehow looped around his neck. When Leo gets really upset he makes this soft sobbing sound, and he was heading right for me just...
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