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  1. C

    2 months on and Older Hens will not accept new Ones

    Hi just an update on my flock. My coop cage is identical to yours and I found my big girls were territorial. I would let them all out on the grass whilst supervised and feed them oats(their fav) near each other. Eventually (it took a couple weeks), I would see them foraging near each other with...
  2. C

    2 months on and Older Hens will not accept new Ones

    Thanks for everyone's replies. From what I found, the biggest difference came when I let them all out of their yard together to free-range in my yard. At the detriment of my veggie garden 😅 but... all 6 stayed near each other as they explored and that evening... magic 🪄 they all went into coop...
  3. C

    2 months on and Older Hens will not accept new Ones

    Hello I know this has been discussed quite often but I am now over the 2 month point and its getting tiring. I have 3 x 9mth old hens. And 3 x 5mth old girls. They were integrated 2 months ago. The 3 older hens will NOT let up and chase the young ones all day. I have separate feeding areas...
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