2 months on and Older Hens will not accept new Ones


Nov 18, 2021
I know this has been discussed quite often but I am now over the 2 month point and its getting tiring.

I have 3 x 9mth old hens. And 3 x 5mth old girls. They were integrated 2 months ago.

The 3 older hens will NOT let up and chase the young ones all day. I have separate feeding areas and the big girls must oversee all of them, chasing the girls constantly and pecking them.

Every night I must put all 3 in to roost as the big girls will stand at the door and peck them if they try to get in themselves.

Its getting exhausting and I can't leave them out at night as its winter.

The coop is 130sq foot. Plenty of room for 6 birds.

Any suggestions welcome.
Please post pics of your coop and run(?), inside and out.
How did you integrate?

I assume you are from down under?
Here's how to add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
This is a high stress situation for ALL the birds. Even the bullies, are feeling intimidated by new ones and therefore attacking.

Adding another roost might help. Or maybe, dividing the roost with a big piece of cardboard, so they can roost on each side.

Also, look at your feed stations, they need to be placed so that a bird eating at one, cannot see a bird eating at another.

I would try pin less peepers on the older girls.

You are right, by two months, what you are doing isn't working, you need to do something else.

Mrs K
For my hens it took three months. For mine the old flock didn't accept the new ones until they were full grown and were ready to establish themselves in the pecking order. It's always stressful for the birds trying to find a place. Probably put more perches, when your new ones are ready they will find their spot in the pecking order. Also typically the head of the pecking order will be the specially mean bully, so watch out for her.
Thanks for everyone's replies. From what I found, the biggest difference came when I let them all out of their yard together to free-range in my yard. At the detriment of my veggie garden 😅 but... all 6 stayed near each other as they explored and that evening... magic 🪄 they all went into coop together. I think a mix of time, the young girls getting to a similar size and then allowing them out to which they stayed together to protect themselves, all helped. There is still a strict eating order but I will adapt the idea of keeping the feeding areas out of each other's site 👍
I know this has been discussed quite often but I am now over the 2 month point and its getting tiring.

I have 3 x 9mth old hens. And 3 x 5mth old girls. They were integrated 2 months ago.

The 3 older hens will NOT let up and chase the young ones all day. I have separate feeding areas and the big girls must oversee all of them, chasing the girls constantly and pecking them.

Every night I must put all 3 in to roost as the big girls will stand at the door and peck them if they try to get in themselves.

Its getting exhausting and I can't leave them out at night as its winter.

The coop is 130sq foot. Plenty of room for 6 birds.

Any suggestions welcome.
Thank you!!! I have 4 hens that are not 2 yrs old. I recently added 2 little ones. The girls are relentless in going after these 2!! One night after it was dark I put the little ones up on the roost away from the adults. That night was good but since then Ive had to keep them seperate. The adults refuse to let the little ones up to the roost.
Their nesting boxes are outside of the coop they sleep in and thats where Ive had the little ones. They are out of it I think before the hens want to lay. Im in So Calif and although it's been chilly of late it isnt below 45 usually.
One hen a Rhode Island is lately laying in the dirt of the coop while the other RIR lays in the nesting box.
The new chicks are 12-14 weeks. I fenced them off for the most part while introducing them as recommended so why are they still giving them such a hard time?? On top of this my doodle is OBSESSED with the babies because they peep. Every time the hens chase them the PEEEEP and Lacie runs to me and looks at me like "MOM!!! THE BABIES!!! THEY'RE CRYING!! It's gotten old.
What should I do? What can I do??
The picture shows my old coop on the left with my new addition(roofed area and big enclosure) on the right. The little coop with the nesting box inside is where I've had to put the chicks at night. I leave the door open so they go out if a hen needs it.
There is a small door in the plywood where the hens leave the big coop to go out into the big enclosure plus they have the entire length of my house to go into so I don't think not enough room is an issue.
On another note, there was 2 nesting places but as the hens got bigger it went to just one and they have always shared it. Should I add another?


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The new chicks are 12-14 weeks. I fenced them off for the most part while introducing them as recommended so why are they still giving them such a hard time?? On top of this my doodle is OBSESSED with the babies because they peep. Every time the hens chase them the PEEEEP and Lacie runs to me and looks at me like "MOM!!! THE BABIES!!! THEY'RE CRYING!! It's gotten old.
What should I do? What can I do??
How long have you been doing the see but no touch? What happens if the younger birds are in the run with the adults (ignore the dog, the dog isn't integrating here)? Chasing by itself is not the problem but I see no clutter at all in the run - that would help immensely with breaking up the space and providing hiding spots if the younger ones are chased.


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