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  1. WendyTestaburger

    New Hen is Mean

    Unfortunately giving her back is not an option as the rooster was beating her up I wouldn't send her back to that situation.
  2. WendyTestaburger

    New Hen is Mean

    She has a business and tons of chicks to sell so I think she's technically a hatchery on a farm. Definitely wasn't a small operation. Would you do a longer time out?
  3. WendyTestaburger

    New Hen is Mean

    She seems fine around Willow too so she can get along with other birds, is that a good sign? I'd really like to try a few more things before resorting to rehoming her. Since she and Willow still knew eachother after the 3 days apart does that mean I should do a longer time out?
  4. WendyTestaburger

    New Hen is Mean

    I emailed a hatchery and asked if they had any older hens in need of a retirement home, got them in the beginning of June and did a month long quarantine. At first I had to separate the two rescues because Willow was actually pecking at what little feathers Penny had left. The rooster at the...
  5. WendyTestaburger

    New Hen is Mean

    Bumping this to see if there are any suggestions?
  6. WendyTestaburger

    New Hen is Mean

    Gah, she was being a jerk again on the roost. Indiscriminately pecking anyone who got close to her to the point they would jump down. I have her back in the garage now. I can try putting a dog crate in the coop? Or should I try a longer time-out?
  7. WendyTestaburger

    New Hen is Mean

    I'm free ranging now because we never got the chance before. Willow and Penny didn't skip a beat, they're back together again. So far Penny only charged my favorite girl (Dot) once but no pecking, Dot ran away immediately.
  8. WendyTestaburger

    New Hen is Mean

    Ok we will free range now and give it a go!
  9. WendyTestaburger

    New Hen is Mean

    Thanks for all the responses, I have a couple questions... So I've had Penny in the garage for two days. She still squawks and they can hear eachother, is that an issue? She's not seen the others, fully separated. Also, should I put her in the coop tonight with the others or should I...
  10. WendyTestaburger

    New Hen is Mean

    Ok awesome, thanks for the advice. I'm feeling optimistic! Hopefully we can make this work because I'd really hate to rehome her but I just won't have her beating up my favorite girl. Nope nope nope
  11. WendyTestaburger

    New Hen is Mean

    Ok I will try that and see how it goes. I wonder if she had extra confidence because she had her friend with her because they both definitely ganged up on my original flock when we free ranged them those first few times.
  12. WendyTestaburger

    New Hen is Mean

    I have tried putting them in at night before twice and there was no pecking but because I was trying sweet pdz for the flooring the two resuces wouldn't jump down in the morning so I stopped until I could change back to woodchips (today). I'm worried she will draw blood in the morning before the...
  13. WendyTestaburger

    New Hen is Mean

    I rescued two 2 year old hens at the beginning of June. They were missing s ton of feathers from a rooster that was overmating them at a hatchery. I kept them in quarantine for four weeks and started integration with my flock of 6 at the beginning of July. The first few days we had them free...
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