I rescued two 2 year old hens at the beginning of June. They were missing s ton of feathers from a rooster that was overmating them at a hatchery.
I kept them in quarantine for four weeks and started integration with my flock of 6 at the beginning of July. The first few days we had them free range together and there was some pecking from the rescues which was surprising but we knew they had to work it out. Now I have moved them to the run together (we have a 6x9 ft run and a 8x25 ft run extension they have access to all day).
Twice the one hen who was worse off (Penny) has pecked my old head hen and made her bleed on her comb and today was her ear. They aren't large wounds but they did bleed so I'm concerned. Today's ear wound happened when my original head hen was frozen not moving and not challenging her. She also goes after the others if they're eating or drinking. Despite me having 3 water stations and 2 food stations.
The other rescue (Willow) has integrated wonderfully. The original girls are timid around her but she doesn't attack them unprovoked like Penny does.
I tried letting them all sleep in the coop tonight for the first time together, usually the two rescues go to the garage pens at bedtime. Penny was just beating up on everyone on the roosts. Stalking them and pecking them off the roosts!
I don't know what to do! I'm fine selling her if we have to but I'm wondering if there's anything else I can try. I have willow in the coop sleeping with the others but I removed Penny and have her back in the garage by herself.
I kept them in quarantine for four weeks and started integration with my flock of 6 at the beginning of July. The first few days we had them free range together and there was some pecking from the rescues which was surprising but we knew they had to work it out. Now I have moved them to the run together (we have a 6x9 ft run and a 8x25 ft run extension they have access to all day).
Twice the one hen who was worse off (Penny) has pecked my old head hen and made her bleed on her comb and today was her ear. They aren't large wounds but they did bleed so I'm concerned. Today's ear wound happened when my original head hen was frozen not moving and not challenging her. She also goes after the others if they're eating or drinking. Despite me having 3 water stations and 2 food stations.
The other rescue (Willow) has integrated wonderfully. The original girls are timid around her but she doesn't attack them unprovoked like Penny does.
I tried letting them all sleep in the coop tonight for the first time together, usually the two rescues go to the garage pens at bedtime. Penny was just beating up on everyone on the roosts. Stalking them and pecking them off the roosts!
I don't know what to do! I'm fine selling her if we have to but I'm wondering if there's anything else I can try. I have willow in the coop sleeping with the others but I removed Penny and have her back in the garage by herself.