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  1. D

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    this is what i’d do as well. the inspector did her job, but ultimately your fight isn’t with her. id be looking to have a few aspects of their bylaws and process changed, personally. none of my comments have been intended to admonish the way you’ve handled the situation. i hope that’s been...
  2. D

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    i’ve admitted that they’re pretty bad rules. especially the surprise inspection part of it. i’ve developed HOAs and sat on boards to come up with rules and bylaws. coming up with these rules so they’re effective is really hard. if you don’t want your rules abused, it’s often better to lean...
  3. D

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    i don’t agree with the surprise inspections either but it’s written very plainly in the bylaws for OPs town. as for the rest of your post, we (for the most part) get to choose where we live. if you don’t like how tax money is spent in a certain town, you can vote with your hard earned dollars...
  4. D

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    there was a supreme court ruling that determined garages are, in fact, dwellings. also, a traditional homeowner’s policy covers a garage as part of your dwelling the same way it covers a deck as part of your dwelling. furthermore, even if you want to argue that chickens contained, sleeping...
  5. D

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    @azygous there’s no such thing as compliance with exceptions. you either comply, or you don’t. you’re correct that life is rarely black and white, but laws and rules are. and for good reason. when a rule has some wiggle room and is open to interpretation, it will get abused. it’s just the way...
  6. D

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    the employee was just doing their job. they did nothing wrong. if the bylaw says chickens can't be anywhere but the designated coop, and the inspector sees them elsewhere, well what would you like them to do? they don't know your intentions, or even that your stated intentions are the...
  7. D

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    i'm not the one you want to ask for this. @Wyorp Rock or @azygous should be able to help you out when it comes to the health of your chicks.
  8. D

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    that part i understand. what i don't get is how they can hope to get inside someone's garage if they aren't home. letting you in my yard is bad enough, but i'm not leaving my garage open so you can snoop around. and i agree on the compost bin. if i had to build a big cement bin in the...
  9. D

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    i don't disagree that the rules seem a little draconian, especially the right to enter your property at any time, but those are unfortunately the rules. i'm curious how that works, though, because your permit stated you'd be keeping food in the garage. i wouldn't think that the permit gives...
  10. D

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    it's not crazy. those are the rules where the OP lives. like them or don't, but you have to follow them if you want to keep chickens in your yard. it doesn't matter if the inspector has worked in healthcare or not. they are there to make sure the rules are being followed for the privilege...
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