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  1. F

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    I forgot to post, but we began integrating them on Sunday morning (a day short of 30, but we only have my boyfriend’s son on weekends). The girls initially self-separated, with the two Salmon Faverolles on the lower level and the two CCLs in the coop. By this morning, all were eating together...
  2. F

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    I did not receive it as an admonition. You are right. Rules are rules; it's just a matter of what we are willing to risk. Living in Boston, I would break the rules of my HOA by keeping plants (and a compost container) on my roof deck. The worst-case scenario was throwing away $50 in plants and...
  3. F

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    Our coop and run total 68 square feet. That should be OK, right? I like the idea of them being able to explore, but it's not worth upsetting the town and ending up having to surrender them. At this point, they're family. My boyfriend and I were talking about this the other night. I think that...
  4. F

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    Oh, man. I hadn't even considered illness. I thought the quarantine would be one-and-done, but that makes TOTAL sense. Fortunately, keeping them confined to the coop limits their exposure to some extent. I believe the town made these rules without fully comprehending all of the variables...
  5. F

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    I appreciate your valuable feedback. Thank you all. I'm not entirely sure how to appeal to the Board of Health, but I'll look into it for others in our town who may encounter this same situation. A 30-day carve-out for adding new chicks to a flock is not unreasonable, especially since there's a...
  6. F

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    It was more of an oversight on our part, allowing her to see the garage. We did not think that we had anything to hide. Live and learn. Unfortunately, the word "incubation" is used a lot on this forum, so my searches were a bit fruitless. Does this seem accurate, for diseases that affect...
  7. F

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    This was a surprise inspection, which, by applying for the permit, we agreed to. I'd imagine that these circumstances are not super common in other parts of the country, or even in MA. To me, the part that was ridiculous was enforcing a law that directly contradicts what is in the best interest...
  8. F

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    I've not wanted to disclose my actual town (internet strangers and all), but between 2018 and 2020, it was in the national news several times for its response to keeping chickens (attachment 1). Part of it may be that my boyfriend can sometimes come across as a smart ass. I wish that I was home...
  9. F

    Board of Health against quarantine (oh, the irony)

    We live in a provincial Massachusetts town that boasts a cadre of arduous regulations to gatekeep hobby farming. To get a permit, households must submit GIS plans (from the town’s website, of course), along with a plan of keeping and maintenance. Once those are approved (by the Board of Health...
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