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  1. HollyWoozle

    Powdery Mildew: to compost or not

    I’m sorry to hear about your friend’s injury but you sound so kind and helpful in looking after her! Funny you should mention nasturtiums… I planted them and marigolds as natural pest control for our veg plants, intending to lure the bugs away, and boy did it work. Some of our nasturtiums got...
  2. HollyWoozle

    Powdery Mildew: to compost or not

    I am in the UK but we also struggled with powdery mildew a bit on our courgettes (zucchini) and squashes this year. We have standard compost piles but just invested in a new hot composter bin and I have decided to go with hot composting for the plants with mildew. It's our first year with a...
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