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  1. azygous

    Chicken behavior can be side splitting hilarious

    One of the things I have yet to really think through and discuss is how chickens may be able to evolve emotionally, much as humans do, and I believe this emotional development is aided by this interesting hormone, mesotocin in birds and oxytocin in humans. The example of this in my own flock is...
  2. azygous

    Chicken behavior can be side splitting hilarious

    A close friend thought I should have a smart phone. I told her I refuse to deal with such a tyrannical object, detesting phones my entire eight decades of life even as a teenager. So, she said she would buy it and also assume responsibility for adding minutes since I refuse to deal with Nazi...
  3. azygous

    Chicken behavior can be side splitting hilarious

    Those are called pinless peepers. This hen shaves her sister bald unless she wears them to cut off her forward vision. They still permit her to see downward to find food and see upward to spot danger. They aren't meant to be worn permanently, though. I only use them during spring and early...
  4. azygous

    Chicken behavior can be side splitting hilarious

    We duplicated the little stunt today. Managed to get a pic.
  5. azygous

    Chicken behavior can be side splitting hilarious

    Congress was all set to make day light saving permanent this year, and they seem to have lost all interest. In 1973 or 74, they made day light saving permanent in the US and it lasted less than a year before they changed it back. Too many kids getting killed on dark mornings going to school. Our...
  6. azygous

    Chicken behavior can be side splitting hilarious

    I, being a creature of habit, feed my chickens twice a day at around the same time each day. To further clarify things, I do not participate in the daylight time change, feeling it tyrannical and one of the more stupid and senseless things this culture foists upon us. I had gone to town for...
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