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  1. MedicDog

    July 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    Okay, so the photos aren't the greatest but things are looking good! I only did two out of the three eggs to minimise disruption.
  2. MedicDog

    July 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    He just doesn't like an audience 😉. Broody hen is still sitting pretty which is great news. I'll check (and photo) the eggs in the morning.
  3. MedicDog

    July 2023 Hatch-A-Long

    I had a broody hen and my parents had a cockerel that they didn't think was doing the business so it just made sense to try and hatch them out 😄. I set four mixed breed eggs on the 12th/13th (I think) so that sets hatch day at 3rd/4th July. I know two of the eggs are from Cream Legbar crosses...
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