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  1. Frodo the Pekin

    Duck egg halfway hatched, dead, on day 21

    No, actually it is cracked. Pretty bad. It's like fate telling me that it wont hatch.
  2. Frodo the Pekin

    Duck egg halfway hatched, dead, on day 21

    Update: when I came to check on her tonight, the polished egg was out of the nesting box, on the floor and cold. I candled it and I thought I saw some movement? But I'm not sure. I read online that she might have known the embryo inside that egg died and instinctively pushed it out. But I dont...
  3. Frodo the Pekin

    Duck egg halfway hatched, dead, on day 21

    I found some clear one with no glitter but still with that polish scent. My impatient ass applied it already, but I think it will be alright. Also, I can now confirm that the hen cracked that dead egg. I noticed now as I put the polish on the other egg that she had egg residue on her beak. I...
  4. Frodo the Pekin

    Duck egg halfway hatched, dead, on day 21

    I guess it could have cracked? Maybe the hen was a little harsh when getting off the nesting box to eat and cracked the shell. To be fair, my duck eggs do have a pretty fragile shell, so I can't rule that possibility out. I just hope the other, slightly cracked one will be alright, I dont really...
  5. Frodo the Pekin

    Duck egg halfway hatched, dead, on day 21

    TW: dead duckling This is the baby. Would have turned out beautiful 😞
  6. Frodo the Pekin

    Duck egg halfway hatched, dead, on day 21

    I have a broody chicken sitting on 4 duck eggs. They all were well until this morning on day 21 when I checked them. A dead embryo, halfway out of the shell. Yolk on one of the other ones, which I tried to clean with a rag, but was to scared of further damaging to remove all of it, and that one...
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