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  1. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    This thread seems to have been deserted so I hope I’m not breaking a BYC rule in “bumping” a thread…:hmm? I just don’t have a designated thread for my hens so I have to use someone’s chat thread to share! Lyd went to the optometrist and got glasses today (so did Rose but I don’t have a picture...
  2. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    I have a rooster that’s the same way, I can’t find a name that seems to fit him. For now he’s called Stanislaus but it doesn’t quite go…
  3. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    I don’t know why but when I first saw the picture I thought it was three snowmen :confused: They’re so cute!
  4. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    Oh he is so cute!! Hurrah for Hazel! :celebrate
  5. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    I hate ‘em - they really do give me the creeps :).
  6. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    No news with Hazel yet? I’m getting worried! :hmm
  7. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    One of my new chickens (well, pullets)! She just came in the mail today! I’m going to pick up her friends this weekend.
  8. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    The moon tonight…
  9. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    The hawks here are terrible. I don’t see them very often but they hide in the worst places and get a lot closer to my unsuspecting chickens then I’d like. Thankfully I’ve always caught them in time but probably one of these days my luck is going to run out :(
  10. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    Have y’all ever had an owl attack during the day? I’m kind of worried about letting the flock out since he lives so close.
  11. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    An owl has moved in next door. He hoots punctually at 8:30 pm every night for about a minute. He’s been here for almost two weeks now.
  12. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    I want more chicks! :D What breed is Nosey?
  13. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    She sounds like our cat! She walked in our yard one July day as a ~6 week kitten…my sister is the only one who can handle her (safely ;)).
  14. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    She definitely looks thinner! Are you sure she’s not hiding them somewhere? :D
  15. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    Sounds like me…believe it or not I once actually spent at least an hour reading meat bird threads even I never intend on culling my birds or raising meat chickens.
  16. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    I need to set a limit for BYC…the more homework I have hanging over my head, the more I want to think about chickens and ducks!
  17. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    It’s amazing you understand genetics like that! I guess I’d better read up on it if I plan on letting my ducks hatch any eggs…
  18. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    A better picture of Seraphina… The plants in my turtle pen have made up my only successful garden this year. My other attempts failed miserably (well, I did get two cucumbers, but they were rotten).
  19. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    Yes, they have such personalities, even though some people think otherwise. It’s just awful when we walk down the (not even busy) road and see one that got run over 😥.
  20. Evadig

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    Box turtles
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