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  1. Quailfanny

    Hip dislocation quail or something else?

    The vet took xrays and her leg bone is out of her hip socket. She is getting painkillers for a couple of days and after that the vet will check if she can place it back. Does anyone have any experience with this? I feel so bad that she will have pain all the time if we cannot fix it. 😢
  2. Quailfanny

    Hip dislocation quail or something else?

    Thank you for taking the time. What would you suggest I add to the food? I thought these two would complement each other and be enough for their well being. Also, I tried to take a better picture of the bump but I'm not sure it worked.
  3. Quailfanny

    Hip dislocation quail or something else?

    I'm not feeding her garlic. I gave a bit mixed with veggies because it helps chicken deworm so I thought it would help with quails too. (And google didn't warn me that it was poisonous :/) I'm feeding them specific quail food. (This: and...
  4. Quailfanny

    Hip dislocation quail or something else?

    Hi everyone. After many heartbreaking stories due to quail diseases I couldn't find any remedies for, I had decided not to be involved with my family's quails. (And then they pulled me back in!). One of the quails that we have over a year and is blind (I have no idea why) was a bit lethargic and...
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