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  1. Miss Lydia

    Shattered goose egg

    I've always heard not to use a wet paper towel use a dry one to keep from chilling the gosling etc. @Meri Maura hows the hatch going? and did you read how to care and set up a brooder for this gosling? It was in a link that is here on your post.
  2. Miss Lydia

    Shattered goose egg

    You have a brooder set up with heat?
  3. Miss Lydia

    Shattered goose egg

    You could call a waterfowl rehabber. They can take the gosling and prepare it for a life in the wild
  4. Miss Lydia

    Shattered goose egg

    I know nothing about incubators but I have seen many who have made their own in emergencies. Hopefully, this little one will hatch That is a pretty good size egg to be in a bra lol lots of info on here about raising.
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